Response to RPK’s write up (The Umno, PKR and Pas internal strife Part 2)


RPK seems to be fond of lies, lies and lies in his writings.

Abdullah Abu Yusuf

I have read the write up by RPK on his blog MT, “THE UMNO, PKR AND PAS INTERNAL STRIFE (PART 2)” feeling really amused.

The article is full of fallacy and wild imagination. But, as mentioned by Hitler in his book Mein Kampf, lies as a propaganda technique could possibly work if the lies are to be used repeatedly. RPK seems to be fond of lies, lies and lies in his writings.

As in food, when you spice up a “cincai” dish with Ajinomoto the dish can suddenly taste really good. It can be turned into a masterpiece, just by few sprinkles of Ajinomoto!

As a former government servant and someone who is interested in Malaysian politics, I can sense some Ajinomoto has been used to spiced up the above said writing. Let’s have a “bedah tulisan” session here:

1. Husam doctored the MoM of the Kelantan’s state exco meeting: In the first place, MoM is an official document prepared by government officials. The MoM goes through revisions (if required) in the Exco meeting in the presence of the MB and Excos. All these done by government officials – not by Husam who does not “own” the MoM or for that matter no Exco member has the right or avenue to doctor the MoM.

2. Timber concession in Kelantan is decided by a state level committee selected by the MB and chaired by the MB himself. Husam definitely could not have awarded any timber concession to anyone at his own whims and fancies without the approval of the committee chaired by the MB!

3. The Perak crisis happened in 2009, whereas the so-called timber concession happened in 2012 when there was no more PR government in Perak (let alone the need to kowtim a Pas MB with the DAP leaders).

4. The so-called timber concession is said to be part of Yayasan Islam Kelantan’s (YIK) portion of the given concession. Husam was never part of YIK’s management, board or any position within YIK to order any timber concession of YIK’s to be given to anyone of his choice.

While RPK can continue with his wild imagination, I would say to him: too much wild imagination spoils the story line, just as too much Ajinomoto will have bad affects on those who eat the food. Sooner or later people will stop eating at your restaurant.

As what Kelantanese would say, RPK is surely a “pelawok”!

Ex-government servant,

Abdullah Abu Yusuf

