Does Mahathir have the smoking gun?


The good doctor may have the key to deposing Najib. Or he may not.

Scott Ng, Free Malaysia Today

So news broke here on FMT that former prime minister Mahathir Mohamad met with the mother of convicted Altantuya killer Sirul Azhar Umar and, as we understand it, she told him her son was a scapegoat. Allegedly, she also revealed some highly guarded secrets about the case that have not been made public knowledge.

Now, every other journalist this week has expended thousands upon thousands of words examining the conflict between Dr M and Najib. So we’ll keep this short and sweet.

The big question is this: Does Mahathir have a smoking gun and has he dusted it for Najib’s fingerprints?

He could already have it, or he could still be searching for one. His silence today could suggest either, depending on what Sirul’s mother told him, and whether or not he could verify the truthfulness of her account. Mahathir will only strike when he is absolutely sure of his position, and he is either consolidating that position or looking for missing bricks.

If Mahathir has indeed found the smoking gun, this period of silence could be his last warning to Najib: Resign of your own will or face the consequences. After all, a less chaotic transition would suit Mahathir’s sensibilities, and if Najib resigns of his own accord, Mahathir may never have to produce the smoking gun, sparing Najib from disgrace or worse.


