Let us decide whether to support hudud, PKR grassroots tell leaders


(The Malaysian Insider) – The PKR Grassroots Club today urged top party leadership to review its decision not to support the tabling of PAS’s private member’s bill, which pushes for amendments in the Syariah Criminal Code II 1993 in Kelantan.

Club president Johari Musa told Bernama that the recent decision by PKR leaders to reject the tabling of the bill appeared to challenge the credibility of the party’s grassroots, who are Muslims.

In fact, Johari, who is also PKR deputy head for Lembah Pantai, said the hasty decision by the party leadership without considering the grassroots had upset its ally, PAS, whose ties with the other component parties in Pakatan Rakyat were strained.

“The PKR Grassroots Club wants the top leaders to review this important issue in a party congress. Let the grassroots decide on hudud which involves the beliefs of Muslims,” he told Bernama when met after a peaceful demonstration in front of Masjid Jamek, Kuala Lumpur tonight.

About 50 of the club members gathered peacefully for 30 minutes after Friday prayers, holding a bunting which read, “We urge Azmin (PKR deputy president Mohamed Azmin Ali) as a Muslim to state his stand on hudud” and another, “PKR Leadership do not ignore hudud”.


