Dr M: I don’t want contract for Crooked Bridge


Ex-PM continues attack on Najib by turning to bloggers, denies personal interest in bridge project

(Free Malaysia Today) – Dr Mahathir Mohamad has turned to bloggers in his campaign to force out Najib Razak, with a video interview attacking the prime minister for reneging on the “crooked bridge” to replace the Causeway, and giving BR1M handouts to lower-income Malaysians.

Dr Mahathir made a video response to Najib’s television interview on Thursday night when the prime minister dealt with some of the issues that Dr Mahathir had raised in recent months.

Two video clips of Dr Mahathir’s remarks were uploaded by blogger Din Turtle.

In one, he rebuffed Najib’s claim in a television interview that Dr Mahathir had been critical of him because of the Crooked Bridge, a six-lane S-shaped bridge to replace the Malaysian half of the Causeway.

The project was mooted by Mahathir’s administration but never carried out by both his successors, Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and Najib.

In the video, Dr Mahathir rebuffed insinuations about his interest in the project by saying: “It’s not as if I will die if the bridge is not built.”

“It’s not like I would get a contract for the bridge. You can check and see whether or not I would get a contract. I don’t want a contract but my attitude is I do not want to kowtow to Singapore.”

Singapore has been resolutely opposed to demolishing the Causeway.

Dr Mahathir said he was disappointed because Najib had not kept his word. “My hope is that when he replaced (Abdullah) he would do the crooked bridge and some other things that we agreed to when I was PM… which Abdullah did not do. Najib at one time said we will do it whether Singapore agrees or not …but when he became prime minister, he did not.”


