Tantrums by two old men won’t solve anything


The sooner Mahathir and Kit Siang stop their onslaught, the easier to save Malaysia

Syed ABSS, Free Malaysia Today

Have politicians gone bonkers?

One would expect politicians to age gracefully and to be increasingly wiser. The reverse applies for Tun Dr. Mahathir and Lim Kit Siang.

As a trained medical doctor, Dr Mahathir should know that diseases need cures and patients cannot be ranting about their ailments all the time. Neither can they persistently insist on a particular cure when their doctor has already given the diagnosis and prescribed the best treatment. To insist that they can only be cured if their doctor resigns is not only insane but reflects a spoilt brat mentality.

That is exactly what Tun is doing in a most disgraceful manner. Instead of displaying elegance, patience and self-restraint, he has upped the ante in his relentless attacks on the PM and proclaiming that PM Najib has to be removed to save Umno.

Political organisations have their internal check systems and constitution to correct problems. Never has any organisation been commanded by one person to carry out an expulsion for one person’s agenda.

Instead of recommending the solution to the problems of the country, TDM is dishing out other ways to exacerbate and to aggravate existing problems solely, wholly and only for his own agenda – a classic display of unabashed selfishness to the complete disregard of the effects of problems he created when he was Prime Minister.

What right does he have to temperamental tantrums in his senior years?

As for Lim Kit Sing, as a leader of DAP – a party which has contrarian views to the status quo – it is clear he is ready to make amends with the status quo. His shameful declaration of his willingness to work with his arch nemesis, former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, to form his proposed “Save Malaysia” coalition” is a clear display of his desire to join Barisan Nasional, especially since he cannot see eye to eye with PAS on hudud and cannot work with PKR either.


