The Malaysian Parliament: reforms and barriers

JCI Forum - MalaysianParliament

In recent times, the Malaysian Parliament has come under intense scrutiny for its lack of independence. Many do not think that the Malaysian Parliament can act as a check on the powers of the executive. Other issues raised by critics include the inconsistent use of Standing Orders, the election of the Speaker, insufficient time to debate, insufficient time to scrutinise bills that come before Parliament, the lack of a proper committee system and abuse of the parliamentary process to pass controversial bills. The big issue before Parliament now is the private member’s bill related to Hudud.

To discuss this matter, JCI invited three speakers to share their thoughts on this important issue. The three speakers represent three different voices- the first, Datuk Zaid Ibrahim, has served both as a Senator and a MP and Minister in the federal cabinet. The second speaker, YB Liew Chin Tong, is a relatively new comer to the parliament, serving his second term. The third speaker, Ivanpal Grewel, represents the younger generation of politicians who have their own ideas about how the Malaysian parliament can be reformed.

The details of the event are:

Date: 28 April (TUES)

Time: 3-5pm

Location: Lecture Theatre 7, Level 1, East Wing, Sunway University (New Building)


