Who is Mahathir to ask Najib to step down?


Christopher Fernandez, The Ant Daily

Najib Razak is being besieged as prime minister of Malaysia by former Umno strongman Dr Mahathir Mohamad in a bid to oust him from office.

Mahathir asserts that the 1MDB fiasco, the unpopular Goods and Services Tax, BR1M, the yet to be built crooked bridge to Singapore are all failings of the Najib Administration and there is a long list of grievous complaints against the present BN government.

But in a book published some time ago by former Asian Wall Street Journal editor, Barry Wain, called “Malaysian Maverick: Mahathir Mohamad in Turbulent Times,” Wain discloses that during the tenure of Mahathir as prime minister more than RM100 billion was misappropriated.

Najib comes across as more open and transparent than during the iron-fisted rule of Mahathir where he silenced dissent and banned this book before the Home Ministry finally lifted the ban in the year 2010 as pressure mounted to unravel Mahathir’s dirty wheeling’s and dealings.

During the time Mahathir was the prime minister of Malaysia he caused more hardships for the people just that he might get his way and foster his crony network and nepotism and give support to sycophants.

Most Malaysians are gullible and naïve and think that Mahathir brought about development and progress. But in actual fact the things that Mahathir did to this country has wrecked untold damage which both Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and Najib have the unenviable task of sorting out.

It is really the damage caused by Mahathir that both his successors are finding hard put to deal with as the cunning and sleight of Mahathir nurtured corruption and collusion to stake his claim to great power.

This why, since the departure of Mahathir as prime minister, both Pak Lah and Najib are saddled with a heavy burden of undoing the actually great damage that Mahathir chalked up and tried to pass off as his maverick endeavours.

There is also the pertinent question to ask as to who is Mahathir that he has the audacity to ask Najib to step down just because his legacy is now in tatters and the ugly truths of his administration are beginning to unfold. Is Mahathir indispensable?

It is also not incorrect to say that Mahathir is guilty of the inequitable distribution of wealth in this country till today.

The Malay community was hoodwinked into thinking that Mahathir actually cared about their welfare. The real truth of the matter is that Mahathir made use of and rode on the backs of the Malay votes to amass power enough to silence dissenters and critics.

With a long list of guilty stains upon him, who on earth is Mahathir to ask the lawfully elected prime minister to step down? It is time to put his nonsense babble to an end and get on to build the country.

Pak Lah was in the process before Mahathir maneuvered and removed him from office and now he is engineering the same attempt against Najib as the latter strives to try and rebuild the nation on an egalitarian footing to the inclusiveness of all races.

