Circus back in town


KTemoc Konsiders

Poor Dr Wan Azizah, I thought when I read the Malay Mail Online’s In Kajang, rumblings of discontent as Dr Wan Azizah targets Permatang Pauh.

The news report has not been favourable to her as an ADUN, stating:
KAJANG, April 29 — Voters in Permatang Pauh wondering if Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail can serve two constituencies simultaneously need only take a look at Kajang, where locals are asking if she is able to serve even one.

Grouses by constituents met here by Malay Mail Online suggest that there is credibility to claims that the PKR president would be stretched to cater to the interests of both the Selangor state and Penang federal constituency satisfactorily.

According to some, her performance in Kajang alone was already wanting even without the possible distraction of being MP in a state hundreds of kilometres north.

“She is a sleeping YB. Never comes here, unlike Cikgu Lee,” said Koh Hong Toong, referring to former PKR lawmaker Lee Kim Sin who won in Election 2008 but was dropped for the unknown Lee Chin Cheh in Election 2013.

I feel sorry for her because she had/has never wanted to be ADUN for Kajang, having been unfortunately thrust into that role by the PKR outrageous Kajang Satay fiasco, which incidentally was supported by some DAP Chicken Little.
So, if she didn’t do much for the people in Kajang or for that matter in Permatang Pauh when she was MP, that’s only because she has merely filled in for her absent husband as a representative but not to the extent of meeting the accompanying responsibilities of one.
It’s known she was never enthusiastic about being an MP, only taking up the federal constituency of Permatang Pauh for her husband who was jailed after being convicted of Sodomy 1. Her hubby, even when freed by AAB, was far more interested in BIGGER stuff, such as returning to the Great Mothership rather than seriously serving as a PKR MP.
Dr Wan Azizah is a good Muslim, only wanting to fulfill her wifely and motherly duties. She really isn’t interested in being an ADUN or MP. And she only became one of each because of her wifely duties.
Indeed, mid last year I wrote The super sub, in which I penned:

But we have to acknowledge that Dr Wan Azizah is Pakatan’s super sub, the term being well-known in soccer.

It refers to (Wikipedia): “Players who are noted for scoring important goals when coming off the bench or frequently making appearances as a substitute.”

Dr Wan Azizah belongs to the later group, those frequently making appearances as a substitute rather than who are noted for scoring important goals when coming off the bench.

She substituted for her husband as (his ousted UMNO) faction leader after he was jailed following conviction for sodomy; she also took his position as MP for Permatang Pauh; and now she replaces him as candidate for the recent Kajang by-election, the central figure of the so-called ‘Kajang Move’, …

… and let’s not deny or pretend not to know that was nothing more than a political manoeuvre to mainly satisfy PKR’s internal leadership struggle. Thus she is expected to sub for Anwar as the next Selangor MB …


