Chinese voters are getting tired of Anwar’s family’s drama and political games

anwar ibrahim

Malaysian Digest

In less than 24 hours, the much anticipated Permatang Pauh by-election begins and it will surely be closely followed by the entire nation.

The current scenario is unlike previous elections when the Permatang Pauh incumbent, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim had since 1982 enjoyed a comfortable lead, assured in garnering the majority of votes in his favour leaving his competitors far behind.

Now, the Permatang Pauh parliamenty seat is again vacant after Anwar’s conviction and 5-year imprisonment for sodomising his former aide, Saiful Bukhari.

This time around, the by-election threads on more unchartered territory and forces Parti Keadilan Rakyat’s (PKR) to leave their comfort zone.

The four-cornered battle between PKR’s representative Datin Seri Wan Azizah, Suhaimi Sabudin (Barisan Nasional – BN), Azman Shah Othman (Parti Rakyat Malaysia) and Salleh Isahak (independent party) has put the Opposition and Anwar’s supporters on edge.

The Opposition Running Out Of Ideas To Provoke Voters

Among the issues frequently used by the Opposition is the Goods and Service Tax (GST) which the Opposition tries to twist into an example of Barisan Nasional’s greed in taxing the rakyat for its own gains.

Putrajaya UMNO Youth branch member Izran Salleh said the opposition has two tactics to divert voters’ attention.

“The Opposition hopes to twist the facts on issues like GST and cause confusion among the people about its implementation.

“More than 100 countries have implemented GST and it is not a new form of tax.

“Confusion over GST stoked by the Opposition is a deliberate attempt to create unhappiness among the general public with the Federal Government and indirectly against BN too.

“They make us appear as if we do not care about the people’s predicament,” he said when contacted by Malaysian Digest.

The other tactic employed by the Opposition is to erode the Chinese support for BN.

“If we look at previous elections, Chinese voters were starting to support the Opposition. Playing the race card could also lead to the end of Anwar’s legacy.

“Chinese voters are tired of being repeated played out by Anwar’s personal political chess game involving his family, stoking religious tension and racial discord.

“When we look at racial discord in the community, it has been around since 2006 after Anwar was released from imprisonment.

“We could see it has become a trend after Anwar was released and imprisoned for the second time the race issue is still being played up,” he said.

Suhaimi Sabudin Represents The Biggest Threat To Anwar So Far

Izran is convinced that the BN candidate this time is the best and right candidate to represent Permatang Pauh because Suhaimi was born and raised in Permatang Pauh.

“It is without a doubt that Suhaimi can comprehend all the issues that happen there and will try to solve it the best he can.

“The BN candidate will not use Permatang Pauh as a tool to throw our entire country’s political system into disarray.

PAS Youth Making A U-Turn On Its Promises?

It was widely publicized that the Penang PAS Youth had made their stance to not take part in any campaign throughout the Permatang Pauh by-election because of Angakatan Muda Keadilan (AMK)’s refusal to apologize to PAS.

However, out of the blue they made a U-turn declaring their full support for Wan Azizah and willingess to help until Permatang Pauh parliamentry seat is safely back with PKR.

“The truth is, in Pakatan Rakyat many thought that PAS Youth and AMK have the freedom to define their own path but we now know that they do not enjoy such freedom.

“In the end they have to abide by the orders given by people outside their own party which is the Opposition coalition leadership.

“Even though in the beginning they stand firm with their stance to not get involved in the by-election, but sadly there is no room in Pakatan for PAS Youth to voice dissent because we know that PAS is not in agreement with many of the principles advocated by Pakatan Rakyat. They do not have any choice,” he said.

In the final hour, all candidates are making their last minute push to gain the hearts and minds of the 70,000 voters in the Permatang Pauh constituency.

PKR’s hopes to regain Permatang Pauh with a resounding win could begin to crumble and lead to doubts creeping in if voter turnout tomorrow does not reach 70 percent.

