The amazing Pakatan relationship


Jason Chin, The Rakyat Post

THE relationship that PAS shares with PKR is something more complicated than even figuring out how the pyramids or the Sphinx were built to perfection in ancient times.

Issues between these two put to shame any marital complexities. However, one thing is crystal clear. They don’t see eye to eye most times but become best of friends during elections.

We witnessed the turmoil between PAS and PKR when the seat for Selangor Menteri Besar was cruelly taken away from Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim.

Now, we are starting to see a new “serial” for the Permatang Pauh by-election.

PKR initially openly criticised PAS for the hudud enactment. PAS responded by saying it was unbecoming for a Muslim to condemn the implementation of hudud simply because it is an Islamic law.

However, PKR stood its ground and voiced its dissatisfaction on PAS’s pursuit for hudud.

Pematang Pauh PAS division has come out and said they do not condone Wan Azizah’s candidacy in the by-election. Some went as far as calling for a boycott of her candidature.

Days prior to nomination, the Permatang Pauh PAS division chairman demanded an apology from Wan Azizah and retraction of her statement on the hudud issue.

Mat Sabu has now jumped into the “serial” and claims that in a closed door meeting between Wan Azizah and PAS, she has apologised to PAS regarding her stance.

This is similar to how PAS will not table hudud during the general election campaign but once elections are over, it’s hudud in Kelantan.

Presently, the Permatang Pauh PAS division’s information chief has stated that he expects only about 40% of PAS voters to support Wan Azizah this time around.

He added that there would be less sympathy votes for Wan Azizah this by-election. Did he say “sympathy votes”? Is he insinuating that Wan Azizah is in the forefront for PKR based on sympathy?

Maybe this is what PKR secretary-general Rafizi Ramli meant when he said Azizah is the best candidate for Permatang Pauh.

Maybe PKR should add a pacifier in her mouth for the election posters! I bet that would garner loads of support.

How does DAP fit into the Permatang Pauh frame now that DAP has severed ties with PAS?

For the sake of the PKR ally, Penang DAP Youth wing has announced that they were “unfreezing” its ties with the Penang PAS Youth wing for the by-election.

He added that this move was necessary to support the PR campaign, but did not mean both sides would renew their cooperation later.

How does all this make any sense? Remember how we used to play the freeze and unfreeze game in primary school? Funny bunch of people.

The way Pakatan is moving, their script is looking like a wayang kulit show with Wan Azizah the puppet. What most of us would like to know is: “Who is pulling the puppet’s strings?”

