MCA, can you explicitly declare your stand on hudud?

You ask, “If we don’t fight against it, what would be the fate of the Chinese?” Having asked that question, can the MCA tell us, “what would be the fate of the Chinese”? Can you state categorically what that fate would be for the Chinese? And tell us how you intend to ‘fight against it”.

P Ramakrishnan, Aliran executive committee member

Malaysians are befuddled by the MCA deputy president’s statement claiming, “DAP only knows how to blame their mistakes on MCA, while we are doing all we can to stop hudud…. If we don’t fight against it, what would be the fate of the Chinese?”

The MCA has all along been blaming the DAP for Pas’ determined effort in going ahead with its hudud policy.

How can the DAP be blamed for Pas’ insistence in pushing for hudud? It is indeed baffling.

As for Wee’s claim that “we are doing all we can to stop hudud”, Malaysians have a right to know what the MCA has been doing to stop hudud. Can you enumerate all that you have been doing to oppose hudud?

You ask, “If we don’t fight against it, what would be the fate of the Chinese?” Having asked that question, can the MCA tell us, “what would be the fate of the Chinese”? Can you state categorically what that fate would be for the Chinese? And tell us how you intend to ‘fight against it”.

Parti Rakyat Sarawak had publically taken a very principled stand, declaring that it will break ranks if the BN supports hudud bill. This was stated by PRS President James Masing.

Is the MCA bold enough to make a similar statement that the MCA will break away from the BN coalition if Umno supports the hudud bill when Pas tables it in Parliament? Is the MCA prepared to make such an unequivocal statement to convince Malaysians that it is serious in opposing the hudud bill?

Failure to do so will only expose the MCA as being wishy-washy on this issue.

