Tun Dr Mahathir – My Way


Salehuddin Omar

1. Since Dr. Mahathir Mohamad decided he has enough of Prime Minister Dato Sri Mohd Najib Razak, he has taken the lead to galvanise the support of Umno and the rakyat to force the PM to resign and replace him with his chosen successor, Deputy PM Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin.

2. Dr Mahathir believes his 22 years in office as PM, his standing amongst Malaysians, especially amongst the Malays, was strong and this gives him the right to dictate and judge his successors to ensure Malaysia continues to prosper.

3. In other words, his successors have to listen and take his advice as long as he is around. There is no other way but only his (Dr Mahathir) way.

4. The PM was always courteous and respectful to Dr Mahathir, always keen to listen to his views and suggestions since taking over as PM in 2009. This includes Dr Mahathir’s big ticket items, the crooked bridge and financial support for Proton. These were two issues close to Dr. Mahathir’s heart. The other pressing issue for the ageing old man is his son’s, Mukhriz’s, political future, after he lost the vice presidency in the party elections in 2013.

5. The PM had different views on these major issues and did not feel the need to take Dr Mahathir’s advice. This failure to follow through on his advise and the PM’s intervention in party elections that resulted in Mukhriz losing to Dato Seri Hishammuddin Hussein for the final vice president slot has infuriated Dr Mahathir. He has had enough of the PM and it is time to act. Dr Mahathir’s relationship with the PM is now over.

6. He mobilised his aides and supporters, using his public appearances and online presence to attack the PM using a wide ranging of issues, 1MDB, the Altantuya murder, the lavish life style of the PM and his wife, GST and BN’s poor performance in GE13.

7. Dr Mahathir has little concerns that his attacks on the PM could weaken the party and BN. While during his time as PM, Dr Mahathir had advised and demanded party members to remain loyal and support his leadership during trouble and challenging times, he now advocates the opposite.

8. Dr Mahathir is advocating a a coup d’etat by party leaders and a state of political anarchy within the Umno and the government exists. The PM, among his first acts as Umno president, was to amend the constitution to allow easier contest for the party top posts. During Dr Mahathir’s time, those contesting the presidency need the nomination of at least 60 divisions.

9. Dr. Mahathir had manipulated the democratic process to stay in power during his years in office and yet he described the PM during one his talks as guilty of “power corrupt and absolute power corrupt absolutely”.

10. The PM had initiated changes and reforms, recognising that society, especially the younger generation, demand greater democratic space and want their voices to be heard by the government.

11. The current war that Dr Mahathir has waged against the PM is not about the rakyat. His relationship with the PM has broken down. This was the result of his unhappiness that his views and advise was not heeded by the PM. It was compounded by Mukhriz’s failure to win the vice presidency which will position him as a future PM.

12. Dr Mahathir was indebted to the late Tun Abdul Razak for his political resurrection in Umno. But when he proposed Dato Najib as PM it was never about paying back his due to Tun Razak. In 1999, Dr Mahathir overlooked Dato Najib and picked then Dato Abdullah Badawi to be Deputy PM, his successor, although Pak Lah was a member of Team B in the 1987 party elections.

13. Why? Dr Mahathir and people close to him including Tun Daim Zainuddin felt that Pak Lah was much easier to influence and work with, especially in the post-Mahathir era, in protecting their political and business concerns. Dato Najib was overlooked because he is more than capable of holding his own due to his economic background and stronger grassroots support.

14. In short, Dato Najib’s appointment as Deputy PM in 1999 did not fit into Dr. Mahathir’s and his supporters’ plans and interests. It was never about the interest of the rakyat first. It is about protecting the interests of Dr. Mahathir and people close to him.

15. Dr. Mahathir has cleverly disguised this current turmoil to be that of protecting the nation, rakyat, Umno and BN. It is not. It is about Dr Mahathir not getting his way …. My Way and Not Other Way.

