Who is Jho Low holding hostage?

umar mukhtar

Umar Mukhtar

Some thieves share the loot. They get help in the stealing and in their escape. So they share the loot with the accomplice who facilitated things. Of course, the accomplice gets only 10 sen to a ringgit without knowing it. Normally it’s with inside help. Normally it’s the security officer. Better still if it’s the manager.

One wonders, with all this hue and cry, the Chairman of the Board of 1MDB is silent and Chief Executive Officer at the time of the heist has nothing to say! For such a huge error causing all these problems that will bring down a PM, and being so stupid as to allow it, the CEO got just a rap on the fingers and given a cushy job with high pay in another of the PM Departments company as a good-bye kiss. Both remained quiet. What can you expect from morons?

After such a heist, the accomplices were given enough time to flee abroad to a non-extradition country. But nobody did! Even the main alleged player who lives abroad has threatened to return if he is called. Nobody called him. I guess the police is busy catching whistle-blowers.

Why is he so cocky? ThreatenIng is the word. Is he threatening to spill the beans? Some thieves do. Somebody is shitting bricks.

So the book-keepers are called in to see if anything is missing or stolen after a visit by the burglar. Who knows, the family jewels could have accidentally fallen into the toilet bowl. The decision for the book-keepers to call in the plumbers will take time. It is taken months just to do that.

But the public is quiet out of deference to an institution who is traditionally impartial. But it is enough excuse for hangers-on to plead for patience. Allowing them to remain ‘neutral’ and appear reasonable with a straight face.

All was in suspended animation until a sacred cow seemed to be disturbed. The first ‘victim’ of monetising the balance unstolen assets is Tabung Haji. They have just touched the hornet’s nest. Sure, it’s Tabung Haji’s job to invest depositors’ money. Why the rush? Paying 100% upon signing the sale and purchase agreement?

And the price was at a discount? What discount? The government price was how much? Isn’t Tabung Haji a government institution that is entitled to government’s valuation? Who was the land previous registered owner before it was ‘robbed’ to sell to the golden boy?

What are the sale proceeds for? To cover a hole due soon. That’s how you solve problems? Why don’t we just sell Putrajaya to 1MDB at a dollar and for 1MDB to monetise it by selling it at market value and pay all its 42 billion ringgit debts.

Then there will be more to steal. Land is tough to steal, cash can be electronically transferred to personal bank accounts. Oh heck, just sell the whole country while you are it.

But let’s not be too hasty now. Maybe there was no heist. And pigs do fly. Or as the former Minister of Works once explained faulty construction as, “It is God’s work”.

We will find out the truth a few hundred years from now the way we speak now of Dr Mahathir’s ‘contributions’ to the Malaysia he created.

It is no longer if Najib resigns, it is when. Give some time for the hangers-on, cronies, warlords and the village idiot to reposition themselves for the post-Najib era.

