Why Dr M dislikes Najib?


KTemoc Konsiders

You know, I may be a DAP supporter (though this is not set in concrete, wakakaka) but I still, used to anyway, admire Dr M for his achievements and bold leadership among the 3rd World.

But alas, of late I’m getting a bit fed up with his destructive diatribes, many times against the Chinese Malaysians, and now against his own party No 1 leaders, both AAB and Ah Jib Gor.

He has several notches on his political handgun, in the downfall of at least 2 PM (and UMNO Presidents) in Tunku and AAB, and the marginalization of two potentials, to wit, Ku Li, Musa Hitam and Manmanlai though the last brought it upon himself with his failed plan to expedite Dr M’s departure.

Will Najib be his 3rd PM (and UMNO President) to fall?

I fail to see anything altruistic in his current actions, ranging from incessantly condemning 1MDB (it’d be good if he gives us just facts for us to decide) to at-times wanting to talk to a convicted killer now hiding in Australia.

It’s very hard to pin down why he is mad at Ah Jib Gor, if we remember he was the very one who “sponsored” or “anointed” the son of Razak to replace his previous archfoe and also “anointed” AAB (as he had once “anointed” Mr Manmanlai, wakakaka).

Perhaps being “anointed” by him is like being handed the poison chalice, wakakaka. In the olden days of China and Korea, once the Emperor (King) wanted a disliked royal or noble to “go”, he’d be handed a cup of nice aromatic “flavoured” wine – yamseng, my Lord and goodbye.


