Can Najib escape from the fall from grace?


His three roles as PM, Finance Minister and 1MDB Advisory Chairman is the grand daddy of all conflicts of interests.

Ishmael Lim, Free Malaysia Today

The Cabinet members would probably not have opposed the sale of the TRX land to 1MDB even if they had known about it beforehand. It looks like the fear of looking disloyal weighs down more heavily than conscience, unless someone with an independent spirit is willing to sacrifice all to rally the dissent. Appearances are everything in politics. It allows opposing interests to coexist under a façade of civility, even when there are hands on the hilt ready for signs of betrayal.

Najib’s three roles as PM, Finance Minister and 1MDB Advisory Chairman are already the grand daddy of all conflicts of interests. This could never happen if there was any culture of ethical accountability.

There is precious little room for independence or ingenuity of thought even with the higher-ups in Umno. Even if there were, it would be accepted only if used to prop up the status quo. The system, like a cancer, would reject any individual showing free will. A person wishing to rise to the top must learn to toe the line before all else.

The Supreme Council is the most influential body within the Umno structure. If it does not yet oppose Najib, then it must be waiting for his wobble to become a tumble before the daggers come unsheathed. No organisation likes its dirty linen to be aired. But it must be a cardinal sin for Umno members to complain openly. And here is a sign that the chains are too tight for the growth of a culture of intelligence and accountability. Promising young Turks have no way of showing off their prowess except in the dishonest defence of the follies of their elders, or by relating every issue to race and religion.


