The Final Script in 1MDB’s Saga

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Could the penning of the final script of the 1Malaysia Development Berhad’s saga have started?

A Kadir Jasin

I continue to pick up information from the streets, the coffee shops and stalls where the rakyat jelata – the people like the angry Angela and the steady smiling Michael, the disappointed Lim and cynical Khaeruddin gather to talk about this beloved land.

But respecting Encik Rizal’s advice, I have started pursuing the more vigorously information from the cabinet room, the Umno headquarters, the executive suites and the Prime Minister’s media office although they mostly ignored my enquiries.

So, combining and aggregating information that I picked up from these sources, I would like to pose the following questions for your consideration:

1. Could the penning of the final script of the 1Malaysia Development Berhad’s saga have started?

The PM: The money will be brought back to Malaysia
[The Prime Minister Mohd Najib Abdul Razak finally admitted to the Parliament that 1MDB did not deposit any money in the Singapore branch of the Swiss-registered private bank, BSI. It “deposited” what he called US dollar-denominated assets. But 1MDB had earlier confirmed reports that it parked US$1.103 billion proceeds from investments in Cayman Islands in the bank. This was further reinforced by Mohd Najib in his TV3 interview on April 10, when he said: “Time will determine but at a certain time, the money will be brought back to Malaysia.” Now he said there was no money in Singapore but only asset certificates.]

2. Does this not amount to misleading the public and “lying” to the Parliament?

[He had publicly said or indicated that 1MDB parked its Cayman Islands money in Singapore. Now he said it wasn’t cash but assets.]

3. What assets is the Prime Minister talking about?

4. Is it true that some members of the PAC are trying hard to sabotage the committee’s investigation of the 1MDB’s affairs?
