Is Pakatan Baru a Necessity?

Karamjit Gill

I have in numerous of my articles questioned the coalition of convenience between PAS, PKR and DAP. With each passing day, the need for a new coalition is becoming more and more apparent.

The passing of our Tiger of Jelutong Karpal Singh and Tok Guru Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat has definitely dented the Pakatan coalition. PAS is on its own trip challenging the norms of basic human rights. They are a group of confused people moving in all kinds of direction.

PAS is confused about hudud law

Not long ago, PAS successfully overcame all odds and got the hudud bill passed in the state assembly of Kelantan. Comrades from both DAP and PKR voiced their respective concerns on the hudud law that ultimately fell on deaf ears. While the conservative Muslims are made to believe that PAS is only fighting for Islam, events that happen behind the scene speaks a whole different story.

Apparently on the 10th of May 2015, Lim Kit Siang was invited by PAS members to deliver a speech on hudud in Kota Bharu. Lim Kit Siang speaking on hudud to the Muslims in Kelantan? That’s something interesting.

In his speech, Lim cited examples of Muslim countries in the world that did not fully practice the Islamic law and possible reasons for the same. He went further to justify why Malaysia is not ready for hudud law just yet. Lim is speaking against a law to a group of Muslims in a state that practices that same law which was brought about by his own allies. I find that very confusing. What is PAS trying to do?


A ‘Kafir’ is defined as a disbeliever, someone who rejects Allah and who does not believe in Muhammad as the final messenger of Allah. I conclude that PAS invited a Kafir to speak to Muslims against something they have been fighting for. If this is not a bunch of confused souls, then what are they? Tok Guru’s own son, Nik Mohamad Abduh was against what happened. He said “Jika ada Tok Guru Nik Aziz, tiada pemimpin PAS yang berani membawa dan bersama Lim Kit Siang ke Kota Bharu untuk berceramah menolak hukum Allah”.

It is obvious PAS is chaotic and unclear about their vision. They are trying to play ‘good cop bad cop’ with both the conservative and modern Muslims by preaching differently. These people are spineless even with their stand on religion for personal benefits. How can they be trusted?

You Tube link of Lim’s speech:

 Title: Ceramah hudud oleh mursyidul am PR Lim Kit Siang 

PAS in wonderland …

With every leader from both PKR and DAP calling for Najib’s resignation, PAS President Abdul Hadi Awang voices his own defense on Najib’s retention as the prime minister. Hadi says Najib should be given the chance to clear his own mess and complete his term as prime minister. He should not succumb to external pressure. Why do PAS always go on the opposite direction? Is something happening in the background between PAS, DAP and PKR that we are not aware of where PAS always goes on their own tangent? They only speak the same language as PKR and DAP during an election. Mat Sabu seconds his PAS president with regards to Najib not quitting but differs on Najib’s term of service. He wants Najib to dissolve the parliament. They don’t even travel in the same space, how the hell are they going to work together with the rest of the coalition in the future?

Please do away with holding hands for the sake of convenience and PLEASE travel along the path of honesty and solidarity.

