Tan Sri Zainuddin Maidin, don’t be a Goblok


Lim Sian See, Facebook

I don’t think it is nice calling all the cabinet ministers as SAMPAH: https://www.malaysiakini.com/news/300285

Given that you are no longer a cabinet minister, it is unfair for you to describe the current cabinet ministers as such.

And why do you want to hasut the cabinet ministers to attack Tun M directly?

Are you teaching people not to respect the elderly and a national leader?

Since you are already 76 years old and elderly by any measure (and previously a national leader too), is it also equally okay for me to disrespect you?

Even when you were information minister during 2004-2008, you pretty much failed to stem the tide of bloggers and even said the internet was just for playing games – hence causing BN to lose first mover advantage in social media propaganda.

In fact, when you were information minister, you even called bloggers as goblok (Indonesian slang for “stupid”) and said the public should ignore bloggers: http://www.thestar.com.my/story/?file=%2F2007%2F7%2F30%2Fnation%2F18443748

Let me remind you that today, you and me are the same. We are also goblok bloggers together.

Only difference is that you are Tan Sri Goblok blogger and I am just goblock blogger.

Maybe you should have kept your word just four months ago to stop blogging on politics: http://www.themalaysianinsider.com/malaysia/article/zam-to-stop-commenting-on-politics-in-his-blog

Please. Be civil and show a good example, Tan Sri Sir!

