If a Chinese instead of Najib were Finance Minister there would be no 1MDB problem


So there you are. As what Lee Kim Lian said, if we had a Chinese instead of Najib Tun Razak as Finance Minister we would not have had any problems with issues such as 1MDB, PKFZ, Perwaja, MOIC, etc.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

This was the comment posted by Lee Kim Lian in my article To the Umno Bloggers: go fook yourself (READ HERE).

Raja Mohammad Raja Azham they are still people like our late Tok Guru Nik Aziz…but for Finance we still need a CHINESE to handle such portfolio…more like the late Tun Tan Siew Sin…a Chinese who is already a Billionaire and yet very Capable and not Corrupted. Other than the Chinese…sorry lah…Tak Bolih Pakai….

So there you are. As what Lee Kim Lian said, if we had a Chinese instead of Najib Tun Razak as Finance Minister we would not have had any problems with issues such as 1MDB, PKFZ, Perwaja, MOIC etc..

That is why China is doing so great. If China had a Malay Finance Minister it would probably be in a shit situation today.

