UMNO and Cabinet’s split is inevitable, the split has begun


Najib is at the lowest ebb politically and it’s easier to disbelieve him than to trust him. Hence the break may happen at any moment and it may happen today as there are move to receive Muhyiddin from his oversees trip tonight at the KLIA.

Aspan Alias

Last Friday Najib told everybody in the Cabinet was given the chance to distance themselves from 1MDB and to those who were not within should resign. It simply means that 1MDB was collective responsibility of the total Cabinet and it is always natural that who are not with the PM on the issue should resign from the post appointed by the PM.

However none of them resigned and that means everyone in the Cabinet is taking accountability on 1MDB issue. Many on the ground here expected Shafie Apdal to resign but he didn’t do it. Shafie had to swallow his strong words that came out of his mouth and he is not courageous enough to resign.

Najib is arm twisting everyone under him in the Cabinet and it’s always natural for a desperate PM to do as he wants all those who took collective decisions on the 1MDB to be severally accountable with him. He knows he cannot take it alone and he needs everyone who sat in the weekly Cabinet meetings over the 1MDB issues to take responsibilities and that is the way it should be done.

Hence the mark of the divide is drawn clearer. The scoundrels as they may be perceived stand on side while the revolting rakyat on the other side of the divide. The fight is now between the Cabinet (the government) and the ordinary people. It is not unusual to see some leaders are trying to play hero and take advantage of the acrimonious feelings among the Cabinet members over the 1MDB issue. A few has come with pungent and overpowering statements in order to be seen as men of the moment.


