Will the real Najib please stand up!

umar mukhtar

Umar Mukhtar

What in heaven’s name is Prime Minister Najib Razak hanging around cabinet colleagues whom he may suspect of not supporting him, that he felt compelled to ask them to confirm his suspicions by resigning? They are there at Najib’s pleasure. There may be many of them but sacking a few will make that reality comes home to the rest. It is Najib’s cabinet, isn’t it?

It is almost like asking the CEO of 1MDB’s approval of how well Najib Razak is dealing with the 1MDB would-be solutions, otherwise if Arul Kandiah doesn’t approve, can the CEO please resign! It’s pathetic. Remember, gentlemen finish last.

Irrespective of who is in the right about a cabinet issue, if after clarifications, there still are dissenting views, the PM should still prevail. If the minister still stays on despite his disagreement, just demand for his resignation. If he does not resign, just sack him.

If they just kept quiet, and the PM is still suspicious about them, sack them anyway. The sky is not going to fall because of that. Najib won’t be the first PM to sack a minister, even if  mistakenly. Unless Najib himself is not too sure about the stuff he is doing. Aha………! Pity those who are doing his bidding presently.

The country cannot afford a hesitant PM and the PM cannot afford to look behind his shoulders at his own cabinet colleagues. He should stop all these soap-opera stuff, and get on with governing the country. If he doesn’t change his ways, the people may just desert him not because he is right or wrong about anything, but because they want a decisive leader.

Now chief hypocrite Dr Mahathir Mohamad is mocking him to dare to sack his ministers, over-the-hill Zainuddin Maidin the rubbish expert, is rubbishing those that dare not rubbish the hipocrote until Najib drowns in rubbish, Nazri Aziz is saying Najib never asked, at least not in an ultimatum tone, and Shahrir Samad is speaking like a PM. What is which?

Now his own cousin is the one giving him ultimatums when it should be the other way round. People are confused. Not about controversial issues but about the real Najib.

We are presented with a road map that doesn’t say where we are exactly, and we are going to a place which we not fully told of the details of where it is. How to plot our route? Must be a new Google map. Guesswork is a government act?

All we know is that we are getting money from the Arabs in time to pre-pay a loan. Maybe because the lenders don’t value units of investment of the third-rate kind as loan security. Why the hell did we Invest in them, anyway? Oh, morons….

So, it is not a loan, it is not a bail-out, it’s Super-Arab to the rescue! Let’s hope it is not a pact with the Devil and staking our firstborn. I am sure the ministers did question incessantly about the terms at the cabinet briefing. If they had just nodded like zombies, maybe it was way above their heads.

Time for a reshuffle and promote smart ones like those who with 3.85 GPA.

