Azmin Ali’s warning to DAP misplaced


T K Chua, Free Malaysia Today

I take exception to Mohamed Azmin Ali’s warning to DAP and PAS for causing the impasse within Pakatan Rakyat (PR) today. According to him, the leaders in both parties, (i.e. DAP and PAS) were dictated by self-interest and big egos. They have betrayed the trust of the 52% who had voted for PR in the 2013 general election. Azmin urged both parties to focus on “bigger ideas for the sake of the country and people”.

I think Azmin must first get his bearings right. The 52% popular votes for PR during the 13th general election were not for PR as it exists today. It was for PR that existed then. To equate PR today with PR the people had voted for in 2013 is a misnomer.

Azmin should not be hypocritical about this. His warning should rightly be directed at PAS and not DAP. It was PAS who had caused PR to change beyond recognition. It was PAS who went against its own words which caused dissension even within its own party.

How can Pakatan focus on “bigger ideas for the country and people” when core principles and fundamental policies of the coalition went up in smoke?

The purpose of Pakatan is not just to replace BN. That would be too simple and easy. The purpose is for PR to replace BN with an effective rule that is inclusive, clean, liberal, democratic and progressive.

I think no one in their right mind would want to replace one oppressive ruler with another. It is PAS that has demonstrated every characteristic of an oppressive ruler. The party is determined to do whatever it wishes without considering the implications on others or within its own community. The party is also far from being democratic. Everything is centered on its president and an unelected council.


