No ‘polygamy’ for Selangor PKR – choose DAP or PAS


While PAS and DAP probably used both chances to strike blows against each other, one cannot deny that it was PKR’s own blunders that made matters worse.

Hazlan Zakaria, The Ant Daily

It would seem that the ‘honeymoon’ years for federal opposition pact Pakatan Rakyat, which rode into ‘matrimonial bliss’ following the 2008 political tsunami may soon be over, and Selangor PKR must choose between the estranged PAS and DAP.

What is clear from the hints sent out by both emotionally combative former ex-partners, is that there must be no ‘polygamy’ for PKR in the industrial state, as it must choose one or the other.

“… If he chooses DAP, then PAS needs to withdraw. But if he picks PAS, then DAP needs to be out,” this was the ‘ultimatum’ delivered by Selangor DAP to the state PKR leadership.

As reported by theSundaily, state DAP chief Tony Pua said this in response to outgoing PAS information chief Mahfuz Omar’s opinion that PKR, which leads the state government, must now make a choice between the two Pakatan ‘divorcees’.

Any indecision, said Pua, is bad not only for the viability of the state government but also for the individual parties that make up the pact and this in turn would weaken their parties.

Tony Pua

Tony Pua

PKR’s Menteri Besar Azmin Ali had earlier told the estranged parties they must not forget that they are elected representatives voted in by the people.

Azmin reportedly wants both parties to stop their feud and continue to serve the people.

“Of course we have differing opinions, but as elected representatives, we also have a big responsibility towards the people who voted for us,” he said, reminding all that it was the people’s mandate to Pakatan that allow them to form the state government.

“When the people supported us in the last election, they placed their hopes on us. So we have to put aside all our problems, ego and personal grievances for the people,” Azmin added.

Pakatan’s viability as a political coalition came into question after the DAP-PAS feud over hudud was kindled anew and made worse by the Islamic party passing of a motion to sever all ties with DAP at its recent muktamar.

PAS’ ulama leadership, which swept into power removing the progressives professionals from all top posts but for one holdout, is however backtracking as they claim the motion is still yet to be accepted by the Syura Council before being made a party policy.

The Selangor MB also reportedly told off the feuding parties not to dwell on the problems and instead look for solutions.

“Don’t look at the crisis as a weakness. Don’t look at it as a problem. This crisis must be looked at as an opportunity for all the leaders to set aside their egos and make the people’s interests their priority,” said Azmin.

It should be noted that while the diametrically opposed political philosophies of DAP and PAS is fundamental and at times almost emotional, the conflict between the two were actually exacerbated by the factional infighting in PKR.

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