Get a load of this, Teresa Kok


So what are you now going to say about this government department in Malaga in Catholic Spain, Teresa Kok, that they are trying to turn the office into a Cathedral?


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Teresa Kok is outraged that JPJ has imposed a dress code. She accuses the authorities of trying to turn the JPJ office into a mosque.

Well, get a load of this Teresa Kok, when you enter a government building in Malaga, in Catholic Spain, you have to observe a dress code there as well.

And do you want to know what is so funny, Teresa Kok? Across the road from this government office, right in front of the Melia Costa del Sol, hundreds of people are sunbathing on the beach, some topless with their boobs free for all and sundry to ogle.

So what are you now going to say about this government department in Malaga in Catholic Spain, Teresa Kok, that they are trying to turn the office into a Cathedral?


