Mahathir has a problem with everyone


Tajuddin Rosli

From Tunku Abdul Rahman to Datuk Seri Najib Razak, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad has something negative to say about every Prime Minister who has graced this country. I wonder if Mahathir was at the helm when our country got independence, would Malaya be still called Malaysia or Mahathirasia. 

Tunku Abdul Rahman

Malaysia’s Father of Independence, is undoubtedly the most loved Prime Minister of the country. While the entire nation heaps hymns of praises for Tunku Abdul Rahman, Mahathir has a completely different take. Recently, Mahathir made the headlines again for saying if the non-Malays were not expelled from Malaysia, why should the Rohingyas. Little does he realise if the non-Malays were indeed exiled, Mahathir would be in Kerala, India, today. Mahathir repeatedly invokes racial sentiments by making bigotry statements. He once said “One should look back and remember that Tunku Abdul Rahman was worse than me, he gave one million citizenships to people who are not qualified and not even tested”, referring to Chinese and Indians. Why does Mahathir despise Tunku so much? It is because Tunku sacked Mahathir from UMNO. 

Tun Abdul Razak 

Malaysia’s second Prime Minister played a pivotal role in allowing Mahathir back into UMNO. It was Razak who gave Mahathir a second shot in politics. How did Mahathir repay him? Mahathir once insinuated that Razak was the one responsible behind the 1969 racial riots, definitely the darkest period in the history of the nation. In fact, the truth is Tunku Abdul Rahman sacked Mahathir from UMNO because Mahathir was alleged to be the brainchild behind the May 13 incident. 

Tun Hussein Onn

It was Tun Hussein Onn who gave Mahathir a sniff as the premier of the country by appointing Mahathir as his Deputy after becoming the Prime Minister on the demise of Abdul Razak. Mahathir, being a wily Keralan, cunningly manoeuvred Hussein Onn off the PM’s seat and capsised it himself for two decades. Mahathir accused Hussein’s wife of running Petronas from home. Mahathir then secretly sent opposition leaders in DAP documents on Exxon allegedly stealing Malaysian oil on the high seas unknown to Petronas. The then DAP secretory-general, Lim Kit Siang, later got embroiled in a legal suit in court with Exxon as a result of the allegations. When Hussein Onn went to London on a later date, Mahathir spread rumours that Hussein had a terrible heart condition and was stepping down as the Prime Minister on his return to the country. Isn’t it ironic how DAP inadvertently assisted Mahathir becoming the fourth Prime Minister of the country? 

Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi

Malaysia’s fifth Prime Minister was not spared from the spade of Mahathir either. On resuming office from Mahathir in 2003, Badawi led Barisan Nasional to one if its biggest wins ever in the 2004 general election. However, a devastating outcome in the subsequent general elections was used as ammunition for Mahathir to oust Badawi. Was it really the results of the election that invoke Mahathir to oust Badawi? Of course not. Badawi did not bow down to Mahathir and numerous projects by Mahathir’s cronies were discontinued and many others were not granted permission. Mahathir even went personal on Badawi labelling him ‘sleepy’ and ‘lazy’.

Datuk Seri Mohammad Najib Abdul Razak 

Mahathir is presently at his best again. Wave after wave of attacks are being targeted towards Najib’s administration. So far, Najib seems to be the venomoid against the 90 years old serpent. Mahathir so far failed in his attempts to oust Najib. Instead, for the first time, Mahathir is being forced to activate his defence mechanism against attacks on him and his family, and he is powerless to get the attackers arrested and thrown in jail as he always does. 

Will Mahathir eventually prevail in his quest or will he get his legacy trashed to tatters is something only the future will tell. I am definitely hoping for the latter.

