Guan Eng declares a cadaver dead

umar mukhtar

Umar Mukhtar

So nobody left Pakatan Rakyat and nobody was sacked from Pakatan Rakyat. Just simply there’s no more Pakatan Rakyat. Had to be clear as if it was alive and kicking after the Selangor MB fiasco. For Lim Guan Eng to have to make that declaration over a non-event occasion shows the flimsiness of the loose grouping called Pakatan Rakyat.

It hasn’t even got mechanisms for a break-up. It just disappear into thin air like MH370. Shall I nit-pick and ask who gave LGE the right to make that declaration? PKR as usual will just go along? Aww, why bother over a de facto thing. It is just another opportunity for LGE to repeat himself, that PAS was the cause of PR’s disappearance. As if it is necessary to show that DAP is forever the team-player. Can’t wait for the Selangor Exco seats. And Local Councillors seats. And…

I am not a PAS supporter but I must say that on the balance of things, PAS is more honest about things than DAP. DAP’s definition of a team player is one who follows DAP’s wants. When Parti Keadilan Rakyat did the Kajang Move on its own, DAP just kept quiet. Because it happens to be also what DAP wanted. When PAS did things on its own, suddenly, PAS is not a team player.

Tok Guru Haji Hadi may not be your idea of a suave politician but whatever his faults are he seems real. And his actions, no matter how much you don’t agree with them, are backed by real people. No matter how stupid the progressives might think these people are, the proof of the pudding is in the eating.

All said, a political party represents a group of people with a certain political leaning. The progressives just found out there are plenty of them not leaning their way. LGE is not bothered because his brood will stick with him come hell or high water. Nobody else speak their language. He may have lost a partner to get to Putrajaya, but that’s not his primary aim.

To get to Putrajaya in a democracy one has to also consider the aspirations of the minority who don’t support you. That is not one of DAP’s stronger forte. Just look at the way LGE handled the tiff with PAS. The closest DAP ever got to appear empathetic is the that silly statement “we all agree to disagree”, If only that’s what that makes the world goes round.

“The PR Finance Mnister is not Rafizi Ramli, or Husam Musa or Tony Phua. It is Mr. We Agree To Disagree.”

The gall of Lim Kit Siang going to Kelantan to speak about Hudud showed DAP’s divorced attitude and intellectually superior stance towards the people it wants to befriend. I understand, you want to tell Kelantanese why you are apprehensive about Hudud. You may think you know helluva lot about Hudud to dissect its innards to them. But do you know Muslims? Or worse, do you know Kelantanese?

You may have been too dependent on the Anwarinas who flaunted their secular degrees as proof of their intellectual superiority without due regard to the graduates of sectarian universities who are more in touch with the PAS grassroots. So now you continue to think the same way by your salvage statement that insists you are absolved from blame of there being no more PR. Mr. Chief Mihister, nobody cares. You convince only zombies.

The people that you need to convince of your chivalry is the responsibility of the rejected progressives, not you. Others don’t care. Whilst the progressives figure out a way to win the PAS grassroots’ hearts and minds and steal them away, you will make do as a Chinese opposition party. PAS, meanwhile, is nonchalant about slowing down its path to political power. And you thought you had them figured out!

It is good that all sides are saying “good riddance to bad rubbish”. A new coalition will emerge, one that is not gummed together by the saliva of Anwar Ibrahim, not even a coalition of chauvinists, or people who want to be regarded religious but involve themselves in unreligious activities, but by the original ideals of Parti Keadilan Rakyat before it was hijacked to become Anwar’s family party. We don’t even need a coalition, just a truly multi-racial party.

PKR is the original cause of the break-up of PR (LGE didn’t mention this, of course) because it did not have that truly matured and developed in-built decision filtering process, and it caused havoc among its partners caught unawares. Another one coming soon? Selangor state government affairs, perhaps?

