Dr Mahathir says it all


Salleh Said Keruak

This was what Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad said in his SCMP interview with Chris Wright — and that more or less sums up what the man is all about whom Musa Hitam said suffers from PMS or “post-prime ministerial syndrome”.

Regarding his retirement:

“It was very unsettling, I would say, because you move away from a position of power to being just an ordinary person. I thought I would relax, write my memoirs, things like that. It was a little bit depressing.”

“I thought the party might use me, ask for my views. But it turned out that the party doesn’t want to have anything to do with me. Well, I was practically forced to [return] because I didn’t expect such bad treatment by the new prime minister, who basically I elevated to that position.”

Regarding Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi:

“I thought he would be, not grateful to me, but at least not vicious to me. And he was. Within two weeks he changed everything. Rejected all the things I had started, which he promised to deliver.”

“Well, I had great hopes for him. I felt my relationship with him would be very close and at least I would have the opportunity to give some views to him. Unfortunately, for the first six months, he totally ignored me.”


