PasMa Youth leader Sheikh Omar joins DAP


Kit Siang welcomes former student activist and ex-PAS Youth member, who is now a political aide to Kluang MP

(Free Malaysia Today) – Former student leader Sheikh Omar Ali, who was recently Youth leader of the PasMa group of PAS progressive supporters, has become a member of the DAP, and was welcomed into the party by veteran leader Lim Kit Siang on Saturday.

Sheikh Omar was former chairman of the student activist group Solidarity Mahasiswa Malaysia and is now an aide to DAP strategist Liew Chin Tong, the MP for Kluang.

Present at the welcoming ceremony yesterday was poet-activist A Samad Said, who became a member last week. They are among a small but growing number of Malay members who have joined the secular party as it moves towards a greater multi-racial membership after decades in which it was viewed as being largely a Chinese-based party.

Lim Kit Siang, in welcoming Sheikh Omar, said Malaysians must accept the political reality that no one race or political party could run Malaysia.


