Current impasse in Pakatan Rakyat an eye-opener


What is the point in replacing one regime with another consumed by endless infighting, bigotry, parochialism, archaism, and downright stupidity?

TK Chua, FMT

I have written many letters supporting Wan Azizah, the president of PKR, because as the Opposition Leader, I know the difficulties and challenges she must face each day. It is a tough balancing act requiring goodwill, negotiations, trade-offs and compromises.

But for how long can the present limbo in Pakatan Rakyat be allowed to continue? Trade-offs and compromises are only possible for issues that are tradable and negotiable. But are the differences in PR reconcilable?

Although there is no impending general election right now, eventually PR must face the reality. How do we expect PR to go into the next general election as a team if fundamental problems within the coalition are not resolved now?

Please do not continue to entertain more baloney i.e. PR is dead, alive or fainted; PAS to resign or not to resign from their positions in Penang and Selangor; and whether or not PR still exists in spirit or in substance.

Is there even an agenda within the coalition to begin negotiations? Perhaps the coalition partners are just trying to inflict the maximum damage on each other before they go their separate ways.

When Malaysians wanted Umno-BN replaced, it was not just for reasons of bad governance, corruption and incompetence. Most Malaysians thought PR was a viable alternative with progressive policies backed up by capable and honest leaders.

No doubt, fighting against bad governance, corruption and incompetence is an attractive proposition. However the recent impasse within PR has opened the eyes of many.

Many would now agree with me that it is not a good idea to get rid of one regime only to replace it with another consumed by endless infighting, bigotry, parochialism, archaism, and downright stupidity. The prospect of anarchy is real if Umno-BN is defeated but PR has remained at loggerheads on the most fundamental issues.

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