Bulan Puasa and Gambling


You all are so scared to do anything. Why? Is it because these outlets make good revenue for the Government in income tax?

Md Shamsul bin Yazid

I am shocked at all the 4D shops as well as Sports Toto outlets. During fasting month, I see so many Muslims gambling in these shops. Already I see Muslims flocking these shops in other months but to see so many flocking during fasting month, it is really not on.
Jakim and all the other religious enforcers better close down. You guys hunt down people consuming drinks during fasting month but when something is so blatant in front of you, you all are so scared to do anything. Why? Is it because these outlets make good revenue for the Government in income tax?
Just park your car outside a 4D outlet in Malaysia, in less than 10 minutes you can catch at least 5 or 6 Muslims punters going in.
To make matters worse, there is a big sign saying, “Judi Adalah Haram Dari Segi Islam” in each of these shops.
There is absolutely no point making people wear sarongs going into Government offices when Muslim punters are gambling openly during bulan Puasa.
Jakim and all the other religious authorities, better you go after such people than to spend hundreds of thousands of ringgit going after Borders staff. It is openly and blatantly happening daily in every gambling outlet.
