The Arrest in Thailand does not exonerate 1MDB


The arrest of that individual does not destroy the heart of the matter. Which is, Petrosaudi defrauded Malaysians through 1MDB and plunged the nation into debt of RM46 billion or more.

Sakmongkol AK47

The 1MDB people and the mindless trolls and mental gnomes, who are perhaps on the payroll of Najib’s people, are celebrating. The arrest of a Swiss citizen in Thailand is the source of the euphoric premature ejaculation of smirk and merrymaking.

See, they claimed- Sarawak Report and those public spirited individuals have been feasting on tampered documents after all. They have been spinning untruths. Dr Mahathir lied. Remove his banner at PWTC. The PM we loved has been speaking the truth. Long live emperor Najib.

The problem is- the substance of the leaked documents were also accepted by and corroborated by the various accounting and auditing firms employed by 1MDB at one point or another. Many of them saw, got scared and left.

So 1MDB and Petrosaudi can crow any how they want, the arrest of that individual, on whatever grounds yet to be established – does not destroy the heart of the matter. Which is, Petrosaudi defrauded Malaysians through 1MDB and plunged the nation into debt of RM46 billion or more.

It is pathetic to see the 1MDB people rushing to use the arrest of an individual to clear itself from the 1MDB scandal. Nothing is cleared yet.

Najib has still got to answer about 1MDB. The arrest of an individual who is of Swiss national has done nothing to exonerate anyone.

The illegal things that he was alleged to have done were reported by a private investigation team. They will themselves be questioned in court to explain how they came to the conclusion that this individual has blackmailed and was discovered to have passed on tampered information to others regarding 1MDB.

This whole incident looked like a contrived effort to dig up some dirt, any dirt, on anybody, maybe even from a ‘plant’ just to discredit the revelation on 1MDB. The ‘plant’ then, when arrested will sing like a canary using scripted lines.

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