Sarawak Report: Desperadoes in Action


Human’s Thoughts

The chain of events in our country is now more exciting than any Academy Award winning movie, and does not come close to Furious 7 or even Timbuktu (2015).

Firstly, Sarawak Report has made so many disparaging remarks about all involved in 1MDB, PGI, Thai Police, NST and the list goes on.

Yet, they are threatening to sue others? Are they kidding?

Secondly, I wonder what sort of server they have to store the three million emails allegedly from PetroSaudi.

Errrrrr…..isn’t it a cyber crime to stash company emails that belong to others?

Thirdly, despite my highlighting the need for email headers, their latest post once again does not show email headers for any of the purported emails.

In the court of law, such evidence is worthless. Please report to the relevant authorities, not on your website. I have already given you the contact details in my previous post.

Fourthly, in their lame and desperate attempt to defend themselves with all the artwork etc, *yawns*, they have done what others accused them of doing for all and sundry to see.

They wrote their comments IN those documents.

Hello….if that is not called tampering, what is tampering then, pray thee tell me?

Any comments should not be within the ‘offending’ document but outside…that is IF they are trying to prove the legitimacy of those documents.

But, they have not observed such guidelines.

Finally (till the next SR episode that is…), can a thief steal from another thief and proclaim that he is the saviour of the country? Can he argue that he is above all laws in this entire universe, faultless and blameless and only he and he alone is RIGHT, all others WROOONG?

Well, Robin Hood did that but under different circumstances. Even so, the Sheriff of Nottingham still pursued him.


