Neither DAP nor PAS has leverage over Azmin to follow their way

umar mukhtar

Umar Mukhtar

Having to choose one of two parties, DAP or PAS, as the partner in the Selangor state coalition government, is the least of Menteri Besar Azmin Ali’s problems. A do-nothing option is the best for him as no one is doing anything substantive, apart from lip-service, to protest the other’s inclusion. Not one of them has any leverage to force Azmin to do what they may wish. Furthermore, none wants to leave, voluntarily or otherwise.

After all, the problem is theirs as they are the ones who won’t be talking to each other. Better for Azmin, he can even play them against each other if the need arises. It is also quite satisfactory to these parties, as they only said do not want to talk and deal with each other, but they never said anything about staying out of any state government.

You see, to them that is a separate matter altogether. Who says that you have to talk to each other to be partners in a state government? That’s how deep or shallow their understanding with regard to governance. After all, they were elected into it, they say, and therefore they deserve it. Whether or not they can govern in the present condition is immaterial to them.

If the people who elected them are short-changed because of this, that’s quite alright. Since when has an elected government been accountable to the people? Just wait until election time comes and judge them by their glorious new promises. That’s enough for you to decide.

The tragedy is only obvious when you consider that these are the very parties, all shrouded in hypocrisy, that are also the ones who are teaching Barisan Nasional how to govern properly. Like the crab teaching its young ones how to walk straight.

Why can’t this country have a party that is built on principles, a party that doesn’t mind taking to take a step back because of those principles, to underscore the need for principled stands in governance, for longer term benefits to itself and the people? Why do the people have to deal with their childishness?

By right, Azmin too has a chance now to demonstrate his earnestness for a serious government, by putting these parties in their places. But alas, he can’t pull rank either – his party ranks last among the three. His only weapon has empty bullets. In contrast, the Istana may not have any overt weapons but it can sure make quite a blast.

What does these all add up to? That we have a coalition that is not viable. Let’s just drop them and reconfigure. That can be a humongous task if we are clouded by prejudices and vengeance. Looks like what is said is right – we deserve the government we get. So quit bitching!

