Show me the evidence first


Salleh Said Keruak

Malaysia is abuzz today regarding the later expose by Sarawak Report (SR) and The Wall Street Journal (WSJ). I am not going to get too excited just yet at this so-called latest revelation because this has happened before and in the end we discover that it is a dud ‘bomb’.

SR refers to ‘investigators’ while WSJ says ‘Malaysian investigators’. We do not really know which ‘investigators’ or ‘Malaysian investigators’ they are referring to and whether, in the first place, this report is accurate. After all, it is yet to be confirmed whether the earlier documents that SR published are legitimate or have been doctored and police investigations are still ongoing.

This expose reminds me of a similar incident in 1999 when a list of bank accounts owned by Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and Tun Daim Zainuddin, plus their wives, children and close friends, were revealed. The list even showed bank account numbers and amounts in that account that, combined, totalled billions

On further checking, however, not only do these bank accounts not exist but the Israeli bank that was named was fictitious as well. So even the bank does not exist. But until today, 16 years later, that list is still circulating on the Internet and some even consider it as ‘hot news’.


