Mahathir behind latest WSJ revelation against Najib?


Asian Sentinel believes claim that US$700 million entered Najib’s personal bank account “could be the final blow” to bring PM down.

(Free Malaysia Today) – Dr Mahathir Mohamad may be behind the blockbuster claim by both the Wall Street Journal and whistle-blower web portal Sarawak Report widely circulating today that funds to the tune of nearly US$700 million from 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) were diverted into Prime Minister Najib Razak’s personal bank accounts in March 2013, reports the Asian Sentinel (AS).

AS notes that this is the first time that Najib has been personally connected to alleged “irregularities” in 1MDB’s financials.

It claims that the revelation “could be the final blow to bring down a leader who has been bullet proof from years of charges against his integrity” and that Mahathir’s “two-year crusade” to “drive Najib from office and put him in jail” might now well succeed.

“Najib has withstood a continuing barrage of difficult questions about the fund for more than two years, blaming political enemies and repeatedly rounding up the divisional warlords of UMNO to back him,” the report reads.

Ominously, however, AS believes that Mahathir has more information, including evidence of further movement of funds and even information about the mysterious death of Altantuya Shaariibuu.

The report also cites UMNO’s recent decision to postpone party elections as a bid “to forestall any challenge from Mahathir’s forces in the party.”


