DAP way too eager to dance on Pakatan Rakyat’s grave

Hazlan Zakaria

Hazlan Zakaria, The Ant Daily

For a party which once loudly crooned its declared love for Pakatan Rakyat to the high heavens like some guitar-wielding Romeo outside of Juliet’s balcony, DAP is ironically the one in a hurry to dance on the grave of the now defunct federal opposition pact.

Though I guess in DAP’s case the guitar they are using is more akin to the one used by el Mariachi, Antonio Banderas’ death dealing singing guitar man in the cult movie Desperado. An implement more adept at dispensing death instead of populist love songs.

This was underscored again today with the declaration by the Penang government dominated by the socialist democratic party, that it should no longer be referred to as the Pakatan state government.

“…it is now referred to as the Penang state government, and is no longer the Penang PR state government,” DAP secretary-general and Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng reportedly expressed in a statement.

Thus spoke the CM of the state government once known as the Pakatan rakyat state government, as if the state administration was like the 80s pop star, who is now referred to as “the artist once known as Prince”, because his legal name is an unpronounceable symbol.

Indeed to many die-hard opposition supporters the state of the opposition parties nowadays is perhaps also something which can only be described by words that are unpronounceable in polite company and political commentaries.

It is safer thus, and more so fitting for the month of Ramadan to refer to the defunct coalition as “the opposition coalition once known as Pakatan,” then to say what really pops up in the minds of many when news about the pact comes up these days.

But in any case, DAP did jump the gun so to speak in declaring Pakatan’s death unilaterally, acting without prior consultation with pact members, estranged or not. In essence acting just like they accuse PAS president Hadi Awang is arrogantly doing.

As DAP is fond of telling the BN about fairness and many other things, it must not only be so, but also seen to be so. So it must be when it comes to consensus and good intentions among coalition members.

They may say PAS this and that, but should perhaps look to themselves.

Indeed, this is as DAP conveniently not taking into account that the PAS muktamar resolution to sever ties between the two parties were specifically contingent on decisions by the Islamist party’s central working committee and Syura council.

Granted with the ulama faction firmly in control, it may be a matter of course. But unless and until that is so, the excrement has not yet hit the fan.

But DAP’s knee-jerk reaction to the matter only underscores that they themselves are in fact eager to not only exit the pact but is doing so like dancing on the graves of the dead.

Poor PKR having to play the ER doctor trying hard to resuscitate the defunct Pakatan, though without their star surgeon and now jailed de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim, this is one operation which no one banks any hope on.

Indeed the Christians among us should start to ask for the intercession of St Jude, the patron saint of impossible hope and lost causes.


