The pot calling the kettle black

Zainnal Ajamain

Zainnal Ajamain

Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad lambasting Anifah Aman for defending his own boss? What is wrong for him to defend his own Prime Minister? In this way he is defending his country because he is the Foreign Minister and just completed his round as the Chairman of the United Nations Security Council. The world focuses on his words, not the “has been” Prime Minister. Whose whole philosophy is “if I cannot get it, then no one should”, if I cannot have my way with Najib – then I shall destroy Najib – if I destroy Malaysia as well, then so be it. Mahathir is showing his true colours. He was not a statesman like the late Lee Kuan Yew, Mahathir does not come close. He is just a street bully from Kedah, a result of deprived childhood.

That is rich coming from Mahathir literally the pot calling the kettle black (no pun intended). I am sure Mahathir is all hearts about Malaysia, if not because of his adventures in the roaring 90s, Malaysia would not be in this financial mess today. This guy has the gall of black heart and thick face personality, who for 22 years weld the State of Emergency power in Malaysia for his own purpose. He did not do it for the people; it was not for the Constitution and definitely not for Malaysia. He lied, cheat and often having selective amnesia to justify his rule, is this a person we should trust? Is it possible to accept whatever he says as truth?

This is the person who makes fools of the Malays for more than 22 years; this is the person who cut their Sultans to size during his rule. This is the person who mess up the Justice system in Malaysia; this is the person who allowed financial adventurers in the government to play the futures with our money – the gain he keep quiet, the losses we are still nursing it today. This is the same guy who took on the United States to corner the Tin market, for which until today Malaysia could not recover.

He lied in parliament when tabling the Federal Territory Act for Labuan, saying that the Sabah government will not lose any money when ceding Labuan to the Central government. Yet the minute Labuan was handed over, the Central government start collecting the crude petroleum export tax. This was because Labuan is now a Federal Territory and the Sabah government lost this export tax revenue.

Talking about screwing his own friend, he said he will sink or swim with BERJAYA. So when BERJAYA received a trouncing from a little known political party. BERJAYA sink to the bottom of the South China Sea and him swimming away leisurely and enjoying the sands of Langkawi.

This is the man who was appointed as the Advisor to PETRONAS, making it his personal fiefdom. He did not care for the Petroleum Development Act 1974 which specifically state that Advisory Council shall be created and shall have members from Oil producing states. Perhaps his argument is that GAMAT oil is also oil therefore he should be the sole advisor to PETRONAS – so let’s windup PETRONAS and return all the oil and gas assets back to the individual states.

How can an advisor who only knows GAMAT can advise PETRONAS? The same when he was interviewed during the Royal Commission of Enquiry’s about illegal immigrants, he had selective loss of memory. Yet so many months later, he remembers agreeing that the immigrants should be given identity card because they had been in Sabah for so long and they speak Malay.

His hallmark is political convenience for his own purpose, the scandals, the Malays, the religion are just tools that he will use when it is convenient to him, after which he will just throw away. Perhaps it is time to ask – who is the Trustee for UMNO and where are the billions now?

