The six Tan Sris dancing to different tunes


And this is what does not sound kosher. You do not know whether there is any money missing. But you go looking for the money even before you can confirm that the money is missing. You heard there was a bank robbery. You heard so-and-so robbed the bank. So you raid the house of that so-and-so to look for the money without first asking the bank whether it is true it was robbed.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

AG vows to hunt down culprit behind leak

(Malaysiakini, 8 July 2015) – Attorney-General Abdul Gani Patail has called for a thorough probe to determine who leaked documents relating to an ongoing investigation to The Wall Street Journal.

“(The documents) were the subject-matter of an investigation,” he said in a statement.

He emphasised this is crucial to preserve the integrity of the investigation as the “public must not doubt the investigation”.

Gani was responding to WSJ publishing documents in its article “Malaysia Orders Freeze of Accounts Tied to Probe of Alleged Transfers to Prime Minister Najib” yesterday.


A-G orders probe into leaked documents

(The Malaysian Insider, 8 July 2015) – Attorney-General Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail has ordered an investigation into the leakage of confidential investigation-related information to the Wall Street Journal, saying he will not hesitate to prosecute those responsible for this.

In a statement today, Abdul Gani said the documents disclosed in the WSJ article, “Malaysia Orders Freeze of Accounts Tied to Probe of Alleged Transfers to Prime Minister Najib” dated 7 July, were the subject-matter of an investigation.

He said it was crucial to preserve the integrity of the investigation as the public must not doubt the investigation.

“This was not a question of whistle-blowing because the matter is already under investigation,” he said, adding that a further concern was that the documents were allegedly leaked from within the investigation itself.


Bank Negara denies media leak from inside

(Free Malaysia Today, 12 July 2015) – Bank Negara Malaysia has condemned allegations that its officials had leaked information to the media, stating that it was without basis and that a police report had been lodged.

In a brief three-paragraph statement issued today, the central bank said it was also conducting its own investigation of “any breaches to the laws it administers”. It was not immediately clear whether by this internal investigation the Bank was referring specifically to the leaks.


IGP denies claims Bank Negara officials under investigation

(Bernama, 12 July 2015) – Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar today denied claims that three senior officers of Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) are being investigated by the authorities on suspicion of leaking classified information to Wall Street Journal (WSJ) regarding the 1MDB issue.

He said the three senior officers concerned had nothing to do with the investigations at the moment, an in fact even BNM had, in a statement today, refuted outright the claims that the officers had leaked confidential information to the media.


It looks like the six Tan Sris are dancing to different tunes. If they want to be in a conspiracy they need to all learn to dance to the same tune. It does not serve the conspiracy if each keeps coming out with conflicting statements and move in opposite directions.

A conspiracy comes about when everyone works towards the same objective using a common action plan or strategy. But if the left hand does not know what the right hand is doing the conspiracy will fail. If this is the way they are implementing their strategy then how can they expect to topple Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak by the end of July?

The six Tan Sris really need to sit down and discuss their action plan and decide who does what and who says what. We cannot have one Tan Sri swearing on his mother’s grave that he will hunt down those who leaked the confidential information to Wall Street Journal and another Tan Sri denying it. And then yet another Tan Sri denies that her bank officers were the ones who leaked that information.

If one Tan Sri denies that the three senior officers from Bank Negara are being investigated then how does the other Tan Sri know they are not guilty of being the source of that leak? Would you not need to first find out by investigating the allegation to be sure that they did not do the leaking? But now they know these three Bank Negara officers are not the culprits by not investigating rather than by investigating them.

True, as some say, this issue has nothing to do with the questions that have been asked about what happened to 1MDB’s RM42 billion and whether Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s allegation that the RM42 billion has disappeared into thin air is true or not.

However, I am not discussing that matter. That matter is being investigated by the Special Task Force and by the PAC. And since they are investigating it, and quite a thorough investigation, too, on top of that, let them come out and tell us whether RM42 billion of 1MDB’s money has disappeared into thin air or not.

So let us put aside that issue for now. I am discussing the conspiracy to oust the Prime Minister, not what happened to 1MDB’s money. We have two very high powered groups looking into 1MDB. I am looking into the plot to oust the Prime Minister and replace him with a proxy Prime Minister so that a de facto Prime Minister can rule Malaysia.

That is the focus of my ‘investigation’.

Okay, so the three Bank Negara officers are not guilty. And because they are not guilty they are not being investigated. Since they are not being investigated then how do you know they are not guilty?

Is the Tan Sri in charge of Bank Negara saying that it is not her bank that is the source of the leak but MACC is instead? Or is she trying to cover up because she is being blackmailed into doing so? And is she being blackmailed because her husband has been awarded a very lucrative contract by the same bank that she is in charge of and, therefore, is guilty of conflict of interest, or probably even worse, corruption?

Okay, Wall Street Journal revealed certain very sensitive information. Then we are told that a Special Task Force has been set up to investigate Wall Street Journal’s allegation. The impression we are being given is that the Special Task Force was set up in response to what Wall Street Journal revealed.

But then that is not true one bit. The Special Task Force was set up much earlier. It was set up before the Wall Street Journal leak and not after. So the Special Task Force was not set up in response to the Wall Street Journal story as what we are being told. In short, that is a blatant lie.

After the Special Task Force was set up someone in that Special Task Force leaked the information to Wall Street Journal to give an excuse to raid those three Umno-linked companies. Yes, they are not Najib-linked companies. They are Umno-linked companies. So, if corruption is involved, it would be Umno and not just Najib that is going to get hanged.

But why go and raid the three Umno-linked companies? If the money was supposed to have come from 1MDB then why not first raid 1MDB to check whether there is any money missing as alleged? And we are not talking about small money. We are talking about RM2.6 billion. We first need to establish whether it is true that there is money missing before establishing where it went.

And this is what does not sound kosher. You do not know whether there is any money missing. But you go looking for the money even before you can confirm that the money is missing. You heard there was a bank robbery. You heard so-and-so robbed the bank. So you raid the house of that so-and-so to look for the money without first asking the bank whether it is true it was robbed.

And this is the gist of my ‘investigation’. Is Najib the real target or is it Umno? And are they trying to kill Umno by shooting Najib? And while the opposition is certainly very much involved, which I do not blame them because it is the job of the opposition to try to bring down Umno — and I would expect them to do that — why is Dr Mahathir the main player in this effort?

Did Dr Mahathir not say he wants Najib out so that Umno can be saved? How does he save Umno by killing Umno? Is this more than just about ousting Najib to save Umno? Is it about killing Umno so that he can solve a serious problem he is facing like he once did before? And is this problem the issues he has with his proxies, as what they are saying?

There is something not kosher about this whole thing. And I am not talking about 1MDB. I am talking about how the opposition is telling us that Najib has to go for the good of the country, and Dr Mahathir telling us that Najib has to go for the good of Umno, but they are not telling us what is really happening behind the scenes.

They secretly form a Special Task Force to investigate 1MDB when PAC is already doing that. Then they tell us there is no overlap without explaining in what way there is no overlap even though the two groups are doing exactly the same job.

Then this Special Task Force leaks information to the media. Then they confirm the leak and say the leak will be investigated. Then they deny the leak and say there is no investigation after all. If there is no leak how did Wall Street Journal obtain the information that only the Special Task Force knows about?

Go ahead and investigate 1MDB and if a crime has been committed hang the buggers. But don’t tell us that the objective is not to plot a coup d’état when all along it is, and deny that 1MDB is merely a weapon in this coup d’état so that Najib can be replaced with a proxy Prime Minister who will take orders from a de facto Prime Minister.

That, to me, is a subversion of democracy whatever you may wish to call it. And if this is the way we want to go we might as well end the general elections and revert to what Malaysia used to be before Merdeka in 1957. After all, as a member of the royal family, I have not problems with a Monarchy.

