Caution: don’t give the fascists an excuse


Press statement by Kua Kia Soong, SUARAM Adviser

Those who know of the hidden hands behind the ‘May 13 Incident’ when fascist elements ran riot in Kuala Lumpur with state connivance, will want to caution those who are now calling for mass action to force out the beleaguered Prime Minister. The recent incident in Johore where the DAP leaders were physically harassed by such fascist elements and the latest altercation at Low Yat Plaza resulting in RM70,000 worth of damage, are signs of the extra-legal methods chosen by desperate fascists.

Question over election funding in general

Those who have studied Malaysian history will not fail to notice that whenever UMNO faces a threat to their hold on political power such as in 1969, 1974, 1987, a “crisis” is created which has led to extra-parliamentary interventions by the state. The party has never been as desperate as it is today, when its decades of election fundings, patronage and cronyism are suddenly exposed in a scandal for the whole world to see.

In this 1MDB scandal, note that the UMNO president keeps saying he has never used the money for his own purposes. He has not categorically denied that the funds were channeled into his personal account. Given the fact that such a style of funding in the preceding elections is an open secret, it can be presupposed that this money was similarly used during the last general elections. Is this why the PM has the full support of the all the BN leaders in the Cabinet, despite the fact that he has been caught in the act of channeling funds into his personal account? In the last analysis, these BN leaders have been the beneficiaries of these election funds. Thus, what is at stake is not only the credibility of UMNO but the question of election funding in general through the years including the Mahathir era.

With the alternative front, Pakatan Rakyat in power in various states, they have also been the recipients of vast election funding at least before 2008. It is time, the country legislates a stringent law to regulate election funding practices to prevent the gross abuses we are witnessing in this latest scandal.

Minorities used as scapegoats

The fascists use ethnic minorities as a scapegoat for the problems created by the crony capitalists that has been part and parcel of the racially divisive policies since May 13, 1969 ostensibly to “protect Bumiputera rights”. That was crystal clear in 1969 and again in 1987. They merely promote the interests of the ruling elite and in any eventuality; the apparatus of the state will come down hard to ensure that the status quo is maintained and bolstered.

So let us not provide an excuse for these fascists to run riot as they have done in the past. They are itching to create some diversion from this gravest crisis facing the ruling party. For the moment, continue to press for accountability and to disseminate information to the people…

Selamat berjuang. El pueblo unido jamas sera vencido – The people united will never be defeated!

