It is beginning to become hazy


Salleh Said Keruak

Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s latest Blog posting is not very clear. It sounds very much like he is on the defensive and is trying to justify his actions by comparing it with what sometimes happen in other parts of the world. That is like saying since some countries use the military to oust a civil government then what is wrong if we also do the same in Malaysia.

Dr Mahathir equates BR1M as vote buying. There are some who would say the same thing about the NEP. If the NEP had ended in 1990 as planned then there would have been a strong possibility that Umno would have lost power and the opposition, which included Semangat 46 at that time, may have taken over.

So Dr Mahathir did not end the NEP because he felt it would have meant the downfall of Umno and he extended it another 25 years until today. While some call it an affirmative action plan others call it vote buying.

Dr Mahathir says he wants the Prime Minister to resign to save Umno. However, many of Dr Mahathir’s comments, especially today, are not complementary to Umno. Dr Mahathir actually paints a very negative picture of Umno although he makes it appear like he is attacking the Prime Minister and not Umno.


