Will Tun M issue Najib a public apology if Najib is proven innocent?

mahathir CAGM

Tajuddin Rosli, The Rakyat Post

DEVELOPMENTS and revelations by both the Thai and Singapore police with regards to accusations of Sarawak Report (SR) and Wall Street Journal (WSJ) have become interesting.

When the initial accusations and “leaked documents” were published, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and the majority of leaders from the Opposition coalition vehemently called for Najib to resign.

The herd mentality among keyboard warriors in Malaysia heeded the same, too.

A special task force was created to lead the investigations, but the task force was ridiculed and their credibility was questioned.

“How can the task force conduct investigations and report the findings to the Prime Minister, who happens to be the accused?” people asked.

Throughout the period so far, Najib has stood firm, denying the allegations and his team of lawyers has proceeded with phase one of a legal suit against WSJ.

The arrest of Xavier Andre Justo by the Thai police in Thailand has given the story a whole new twist.

Malaysian-born British, Clare Rewcastle-Brown, who is also the founder of Sarawak Report, reacted like a criminal being caught red-handed while committing a crime with the arrest of Justo.

She condemned the arrest and wrote letters wherever she could to get Justo extricated. However, her attempts failed miserably.

An article published in The Straits Times of Singapore has revealed that the Thai police claim Justo has confessed to all the wrongdoings and cooperated well to share that he sold all documents to individuals who later played a hand in tampering and publishing them to taint the Malaysian Prime Minister and government.

It has been confirmed that Justo met with about 10 people from the media and representatives from political parties at a hotel in Singapore to negotiate the price for the documents.

An article published in The Bangkok Post revealed that the Thai police procured traces of evidence that the documents sold were tampered by the buyer with intention of discrediting Najib and the government.

The Thai police claim to have given the Singaporean police some documents and evidence with regards to the meeting in Singapore as the meeting was held in Singapore and the transaction that took place was a clear case of money laundering among the people involved.

Information from within suggests that Singapore police might be taking up a case against the 10 individuals involved.

So far, Thai police have made no official evidence available to the media, as investigations are still ongoing.

I am sure the obtained evidence will eventually be made transparent for the world to witness once the investigations conclude.

One thing is for sure. If Najib is deemed guilty and available evidence suggest the same, we all would agree that he has to resign and leave.

However, if it is the opposite, will Mahathir then issue a public apology to Najib for calling for his resignation?

I am surprised an intelligent man like Mahathir has jumped to conclusions and demanded Najib’s resignation without a full-proof investigation.

Was Mahathir or his allies involved in the meeting in Singapore?

Was Mahathir aware of the fabrications to unsettle Najib?

What looked like an eventual victory for the Keralan against the Bugis Warrior suddenly seems to be favouring the latter.

I am sure it is just a matter of time before everything becomes crystal clear and the truth prevails.

If Mahathir is found to be guilty over this fiasco of fraud, tampering and forging classified documents, will the same Malaysians that blindly hero-worship him force him to issue a public apology?

He should not only be sacked from Umno but also arrested for attempts to cause unrest and topple the government if he has been proven to be behind this game of cheat and fraudulence.

