Is Rafizi trying to land a job in the Royal London Circus?


Rasyhid Hamzan, The Rakyat Post

RAFIZI Ramli (PKR’s vice-president and secretary-general) first had the cheek to make derogatory remarks against Datuk Seri Najib Razak and his wife, Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor, in comments related to fuel prices made in a forum.

Now that he has realised he is being dragged to court, he says he was just joking and he did not mean to defame the Prime Minister.

The one thing that is funny about the whole situation are the words “Rafizi Ramli”, being synonymous with “a joke”.

Dear Rafizi, kindly consider quitting politics and applying for a job in the Royal London Circus. You are so funny that you do not even need to be dressed up as a clown.

All you need to do is be on centre stage, smile and open your mouth. Audiences will have stomach cramps laughing.

Rafizi seems to be taking on the role of James Bond in Malaysia by revealing things only with regards to the government.

He has been proven wrong umpteen times but he never seems to learn. As they say, a dog’s tail will never be straight no matter how much you try to straighten it.

Some time ago, he tried to be Sherlock Homes by revealing “pictures” of a private jet the Malaysian government bought and he claimed it was a personal plane bought by Najib.

The whole allegation was shot dead when it was proven Rafizi took the pictures from an Airbus website that shows the plane belonged to a Middle Eastern customer bought years before.

It was previously published in the magazine of Business Jet Traveler June/July 2012 issue.

I liken Rafizi to the town council trucks. When the shutters open, all you see is a pile of rubbish. First, he goes on trash talking and then bravely says if it is not the truth why not sue.

When the suit is made and legal documents are sent, he says he was just joking.

I wonder with the latest investigation findings from the arrest of Swiss national Xavier Andre Justo by the Thai police, that shows the evidence was tampered with to discredit Najib, will Rafizi and Co. say that ridiculing and the calling of Najib to resign is a joke also?

Where is Datuk Ambiga Sreenevasan, our world-renowned human rights activist who loves getting on the street?

I have a proposition for you Ambiga. Please get on the streets and rally for “Bersihkan Pakatan“. We do not need clowns in a political party who says things that are meant to be a joke.

People listen to leaders and accept what a leader says. Shouldn’t a leader be more responsible and intelligently utter words so that wrong messages are not implicated? Sorry I forgot. If the Opposition was intelligent, they would not appoint a baby-sitter as their head.

The “social media experiment” that has been proven to be a hoax by the Citizens for Accountable Governance (CAGM) that was malicious in nature occurs because people like Rafizi talks nonsense and when he senses trouble, he tries to run away citing his statement as a joke.

Dear Rafizi “The Doink” Ramli, I have a message for you. Never treat your enemy’s silence as his weakness. Sometimes, all he does is wait for you to make mistakes and when he strikes, it’s the beginning of the end for you.

You should all follow your leader and be baby-sitters instead of inciting hate in the country.

