To Focus On The Message Or The Messenger

lester melanyi

Tajuddin Rosli

A video revelation by Lester Melanyi alleging how Sarawak Report (SR) and some opposition leaders plotted against 1MDB and Prime Minister Datuk Seri NajibTun Razak led to agitated response from the opposition pack. DAP veteran Lim Kit Siang has jumped to the defense of Clare Rewcastle Brown to discredit Lester by questioning his integrity. I find it bemusing that Lim has taken this stand instead of urging authorities to investigate Lester’s claim to seek the truth. DAP’s stalwart who always preaches concentrating on the message instead of eradicating the messenger has gone against his own teachings. Should we be focusing on the message or the messenger? Lim will probably say only focus on the message if it is favouring the opposition otherwise shoot the messenger down.

Pascal Najadi, son of the late Ambank founder, Hussain Ahmad Najadi has been hogging the media for his two-minutes of fame. He claims that Najib has a hand behind the alleged murder of his father and has condemned the police for their investigation. The irony here is the opposition is rallying on Pascal’s two years late allegation. Who is Pascal actually and how much integrity does he have?

After the demise of his father, Pascal fled the country citing danger to his life as the reason. For two years, property and money was being investigated as motive behind the alleged murder of late Hussain. Pascal never implicated anything about Najib for two years and now why suddenly?  Following the death of Hussain, Pascal filed a legal case against his stepmother citing himself as the only heir of Hussain to inherit the entire property of his father. He refused to allow his stepmother to get anything.

While Hussain was alive, Pascal spent most of his time overseas and only came to visit his father during holidays. Pascal reacted like an evil son who only cared about the father’s property and money. While both the late Hussain’s first and second wives were there at the funeral ground, Pascal hid overseas. Was he afraid of coming to Malaysia due to ‘the true motive’ behind the alleged murder of his father? Is Pascal presently using Najib as bait to divert attention from ‘the true motive’? It is funny how the opposition sees Pascal as a man with high integrity to second his allegation.

Who can forget the Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim-Mohd/SaifulBukhari love-hate relationship? During the entire period, the opposition claimed Saiful was paid hefty amount of money by the government to reveal about the sodomy charge and how that is wrong. However, the same opposition finds it acceptable to pay Xavier Andre Justo who stole classified documents, allegedly tampered it and got it published. How much integrity does a man who steals documents from his own company then blackmails them for financial gain have? He has so much integrity that the entire opposition coalition is hero-worshipping him.

Kit Siang suddenly remembered he too received a phone call regarding those documents but did not find it necessary to report it to the police or relevant authorities for a highly sensitive issue. Now that the Thai police have affirmed that the documents were indeed tampered to taint the prime minister, it just shows how much integrity Lim and co has. Uncle Lim, please do not try to spin and question the integrity of the Thai’s now because you guys brought a Thai doctor to testify during the late TeohBeng Hock’s court proceeding.

What about the Sarawak Report that repetitively publishes exaggerated stories? Sarawak Report has been proven to fabricate stories in the past like how they claimed the Swiss President ordered an investigation into Tun Abdul Taib Mahmud’s assets in Switzerland. The Swiss government denied this allegation by Sarawak Report and deemed it a lie. Sarawak Report came up with that delusion just before the general election and as fast as it emerged, it died immediately after the polls. Following that, Sarawak Report’s allegation that Hong Kong’s anti-corruption body was investigating Sabah’s Datuk Seri Musa Aman also vanished in thin air once authorities in Hong Kong rubbished the claims.

It is a well-established fact that Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad’s close ally, Datuk Seri Khairuddin Abu Hassan has a problem with Musa Aman. A ‘selfie’ picture between Khairuddin and Clare on social media clearly explains why Sarawak Report tried to taint Musa’s credibility. With the fabrication that Sarawak Report often stirs, how creditable are they that the opposition swears by it?

If the message is what the focus should be on, then revelations by Lester cannot be simply ridiculed but instead needs to be justly investigated. If it is false, then sue him just as what the opposition tells the government to do. If the messenger is what the focus should be on, then do not dwell on the claims of Pascal and Sarawak Report because they demonstrate no integrity. Dear Lim Kit Siang, please decide what you want and walk the talk, not talk the talk.
