KIT Siang’s defense tainted with fear


Whether Lim is directly or indirectly involved, his reaction insinuates that he had knowledge of the happenings even before Justo got arrested. 

Jason Chin

DAP veteran Lim Kit Siang has suddenly admitted that he received a phone call from an unknown individual trying to cut a deal with him for documents regarding 1MDB for which he said he put the phone down. It has been months since Sarawak Report and Wall Street Journal published a document that taints the Prime Minister and government. The important question is why all of a sudden Kit Siang suddenly admits he was approached for the sale of the documents too? Why didn’t he reveal this much earlier? Was it not important enough for him to say it? Did he go to the police or inform any authority of the incident? Was he trying to hide something that has got blown up in the media? Was he trying to make fools out of Malaysians?

The arrest of Xavier Andre Justo has lit fire on the pants of many opposition leaders. Tony Pua is challenging BN ministers to name him as the alleged individual who met and dealt with Justo and not merely insinuate it is him. He is daring the ministers to be brave and quote his name directly. Sorry Mr. Pua, blatant allegations without concrete evidence do not define bravery; it is mere stupidity and this would explain how you guys reacted when allegations were initially made.

Lim is asking why the ministers are not wondering who is the BN representative that has also been alleged to have met Justo. How do you know that internally in BN nobody is trying to find out? Uncle Kit, not everybody washes dirty linen in public like DAP. Some people are more professional in handling such situations.

Scientific research shows that more often than not, liars become angry and aggressive when caught. Liars are shown to demonstrate a sociopathic trait of conduct disorder that constantly show oppositional behaviour toward authority in order to make-believe what they propagate is true. Uncle Lim, Pua and Rafizi Ramli easily fit into this definition.

I am sure the entire nation is eagerly waiting for authorities to reveal the names of the 10 individuals who are alleged to have met Justo and have made minor but very important tampering to evidence prior to its release by Sarawak Report and Wall Street Journal. The perpetrators could easily be charged for various acts.

Firstly, they could be charged for tampering of documents with intent to defame an individual or government. Secondly, they could be charged for money laundering in Singapore, as there is documented evidence to suggest financial transactions took place in Singapore. Thirdly, would be for inciting hate toward the government among the people with intention of decent.

There is every reason for the alleged individuals to demonstrate acts of fear. Whether Lim is directly or indirectly involved, his reaction insinuates that he had knowledge of the happenings even before Justo got arrested. Committing an offence or defending/hiding an offender are both punishable by law. The individuals alleged to be involved definitely know within them who they are and they definitely should be afraid because truth always wins.

