Public Forum: The Islamic State (IS) in Malaysia: Implications for National Security

IS in Malaysia

More than two dozen Malaysians were arrested in the past few months for their alleged involvement in IS and the Malaysian police said recently that Malaysian IS members are planning a violent overthrow of the Malaysian Government. In this special seminar, Mr. Ahmad El Muhammady will discuss the sources of IS support in Malaysia, how IS used social media to recruit and gain support from Malaysian youths and  how they manipulated religious text for their own agenda. He will also speak on how the authorities plan to contain the IS threat.

The speaker, Ahmad El Muhammady, is a Lecturer in Political Science and Islamic Studies at the International  Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) and a Panel Member of the Special Rehabilitation Program for terrorist detainees, Royal Malaysian Police (PDRM)

Date : 3 August 2015, Monday

Time : 3.00pm – 5.00pm

Venue : Lecture Theatre 7, Level 1, Sunway University (New Building)


