Alleged PM ‘charge sheet’ draft not by AGC, prosecution head says
(Malay Mail Online) – The head of the prosecution unit in the Attorney-General’s Chambers (AGC) has rubbished claims that it had drafted corruption charges against Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak in connection to the debt-riddled 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) that is still under investigation.
In a late night post in response to a Twitter new flash service of national news agency Bernama, Datuk Tun Abdul Majid Hamzah said: “draft pertuduhan yg diterbitkn oleh Sarawak Report tidak dibuat atau dikeluarkn oleh Jab Peguam Negara. Harap maklum”.
[Translation: “The draft charges as published by Sarawak Report was not made or issued by the Attorney-General’s Chambers.”]
It was the sole Twitter entry on the government lawyer’s Twitter handle @TAMajid.
Tun Majid’s message was shortly later retweeted by Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar.
The national police chief posted in Malay on his @KBAB51 handle: “Tweet di bawah ini sahkan apa yg saya katakan tadi @PDRMsia”.
[Translation: “This tweet below confirms what I said earlier.”]
In an earlier Twitter message, Khalid had urged a halt to circulation of the alleged “charge sheet”, saying the document was unverified, and attached a snapshot of the purported draft.
Pictures of the document had been published earlier yesterday evening by whistleblower site Sarawak Report (SR) that claimed to have obtained a copy of corruption charges that were in the final stages of being drafted by Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail against Najib and one other person connected to the 1MDB controversy.
Newly-appointed Attorney-General Tan Sri Apandi Ali was contacted for comment on the document by news portal Malaysiakini but he refused to be drawn into the debate.
“I don’t know anything about the report so I cannot comment, okay?” Apandi was quoted saying.
Claiming exclusivity, the London-based whistleblower site had earlier this evening run a report titled “ARREST WARRANT FOR THE PRIME MINISTER! – The Real Reason The Attorney General Was Fired”.
It published closed-up pictures that of papers it purported to be the draft of the charge sheet against Najib and a director of a former 1MDB subsidiary, SRC International, which were undated but carried a serial number that typically marks government papers.
Abdul Gani was abruptly stripped as AG in an announcement by the Chief Secretary to the Government Tan Sri Ali Hamsa Tuesday, ostensibly due to health concerns.
However, the Sabah-born who served as AG nearly 13 years since January 2002 told Malay Mail Online that he had not been aware of his removal until the announcement.
Up to then, Abdul Gani was part of a multi-agency government taskforce investigating claims of misappropriated funds involving Najib and 1MDB.
Abdul Gani is still in government service until his 60th birthday in October, the mandatory retirement age.