What the hell is Muhyiddin still doing in UMNO?

Raggie Jessy

Raggie Jessy

Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin should be stripped off his membership in UMNO with immediate effect following an attempt by the former Deputy Prime Minister to split the party and the Malays.

Member of Parliament for the Pagoh constituency, Muhyiddin, sold the Malays down the river as he misled UMNO over 1MDB and the alleged flow of some USD700 million into Dato’ Sri Najib Razak’s personal bank account, now under investigation by the Royal Malaysian Police (PDRM) and a Special Task Force headed by former Attorney General Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail.

A sectarian front, Barisan Nasional’s position in government is contingent upon the survival of UMNO, a Malay-based party from which the traditional Prime Minister and his deputy are appointed. Muhyiddin took no notice of party tradition as he trampled the pecking order and shot flaming arrows across the corridors of power and into the public sphere. He led the nation astray by insinuating Najib’s involvement in a conspiracy to shroud the truth from public perception.

In simple terms, Muhyiddin told all and sundry that Najib lied about 1MDB, a development company the deputy premier himself knows isn’t as troubled as Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad and Lim Kit Siang claim it to be. The former deputy distanced himself from the Cabinet collective responsibility when he relegated the burden of proof squarely on Najib, seen as an attempt to arrest the Prime Minister’s appeal within the party and the nation by artifice.

By dragging Najib through the mud, Muhyiddin more or less sanctioned an insidious plot to dislodge the Prime Minister from power. Speculation is rife that the Pagoh assemblyman is an accessory to former Prime Minister Tun Dr. Mahathir, who himself committed treason by staging a media driven coup against a residing Prime Minister.

It is ironical that a man of Muhyiddin’s stature failed to address a conspiracy to tug the rug from under Najib’s feet. It is even more ironical how Muhyiddin seems to have shirked from making known his position on Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) or its governor, Tan Sri Zeti Akhtar Aziz, in the same flavour he phrased his reservations over 1MDB and implied the Prime Minister.

A man of Muhyiddin’s rank would surely have known how transactions of anomalous proportions trigger alarm bells at BNM, or for that matter, any bank through which such transactions take place. As a matter of fact, Muhyiddin knew well in advance that a sum exceeding USD700 million was never really deposited into Najib’s personal accounts, but into accounts the Prime Minister constitutionally held in trust, on behalf of UMNO.

In a statement made out to the Cheras UMNO division on the 26th of July 2015, Muhyiddin affirmed his support for the Special Task Force, established by (former) Attorney General Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail to investigate reports by the Wall Street Journal, which alleged the siphoning of 1MDB related funds into Najib’s personal accounts. Ironically, the Task Force was formed even before the Journal managed to get its bull to run the shit on Najib over the alleged transfers.

To make matters worse, the former deputy premier failed to address the constitutionality of the Task Force, which Gani had founded rather hurriedly and without Cabinet approval. In other words, both Gani and Muhyiddin are in treason against the Government of Malaysia and the Federal Constitution.

And strange as it seems, Gani was once entrusted by the government to be the lead arbiter of justice and its counsel in matters of jurisprudence. Being the second-in-command, Muhyiddin inadvertently sanctioned an insidious plot to decimate Najib’s term in office by throwing his weight behind Ghani over the establishment of the Task Force.

So what the hell is Muhyiddin still doing in UMNO?

