Syed Ali: Billions confirmed but where is leftover after GE?


So after you closed those accounts – where did you move the remaining money that was left in the account? And how much money was left over when the accounts were closed?

OutSyed the Box

My comment : So does this mean that Wall Street Journal and Sarawak Report did not have any ‘berbaur-baur fitnah’ about this “RM2.6 Billion in personal accounts” issue?

Anyone going to apologise to them? No? They are just white skinned people? Oh ok.

Ahmad Maslan who is so damned stupid said no one would be so stupid to put RM2.6 Billion in their personal accounts. Well Mat Maslan I agree with you here 100%. Only a moron would put RM2.6 Billion in his personal account. Your point is proven. So now there are two of you.

Anyway here is the news :

MACC: RM2.6b in Najib’s account from ‘donors’, not 1MDB

Monday August 3, 2015

RM2.6 billion deposited into Najib Razak’s accounts come from ‘donors’ and not 1MDB, MACC said in a statement August 3, 2015.

— Malaysia’s graftbusters confirmed today that RM2.6 billion had been deposited into Najib Razak’s accounts but said the funds came from “donors” and not (1MDB) as previously alleged.

(MACC) did not, however, disclose the identities of these donors or the purpose of the contribution, as well as how the money was spent.

“The report resulting from the investigation involving the RM2.6 billion has been referred and informed to the Attorney-General. The special task force leading a separate probe on 1MDB said last month that two bank accounts held by Najib in AmBank were already closed long before an investigation was launched against the misappropriation.

– See more at:

My comments :

And what happened to the money now? The accounts were closed. So where did the money go AFTER the accounts were closed?

They did not spend ALL the RM2.6 Billion on the elections. There was a huge sum left over. Where is the left over money?

Who can answer? Who should answer? Najib should answer. They are his own personal accounts.

Earlier Najib said (in Parliament I think) that 1MDB could not bring back money to Malaysia because Bank Negara had too much red tape. Something about any amount more than RM50 Million must get clearance etc. Thats why 1MDB (or its subsidiary) put the money in Singapore.

Then later we found out that the money was NOT even there. They became ‘units’. Some documents were also forged. Have you all forgotten that story? Documents were forged. Bottom line there WAS no money in that bank in Singapore.

Ok back to this shocking news – so how did Najib move RM2.6 Billion into his personal account here in Kuala Lumpur?

Did he go through Bank Negara’s red tape?

If he did then Zeti must have known about this. Can Zeti answer?

Read more here

