Don’t You Dare Write Anything Negative About The Opposition

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The opposition leaders are the most honest, corrupt-free and multi-racial set of people the world has yet to witness. No other country in the world can boast a more pristine group of people than those in the Opposition coalition.

Rasyhid Hamzan

Scandalous Barisan Nasional  (BN) government, corruption, abuse of power, racist, suppression of press freedom, looming bankruptcy, cronyism …. Say whatever you want, no matter however bad it is against the government, you are a hero fighting for a better Malaysia. However, please bear in mind not to speak or say anything against the opposition because it is all untrue. The opposition leaders are the most honest, corrupt-free and multi-racial set of people the world has yet to witness. No other country in the world can boast a more pristine group of people than those in the Opposition coalition.

Tan Sri Muhammad Muhammad Taib (fondly known as Mat Taib) was caught with a bag full of cash in Australia. That time he was corrupt. Now that he has joined Gerakan Harapan Baru (GHB), he is a clean man.

Tan Sri Musa Hassan, Malaysia’s most controversial Inspector-General of Police (IGP) was widely condemned for his antics in Tivoli Villas during Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s sodomy trial. That time he was a very bad man. Since retirement, he has joined the Opposition Coalition and is now likened to a prophet.

In 2007, Malaysian Anti Corruption Commission (MACC) was investigating Musa for alleged corruption upon releasing three members of an illegal betting syndicate. Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail who was the Attorney-General (AG) acted abruptly and ordered MACC to put an end to investigations and close the case due to lack of evidence. Gani was ridiculed that time. However today, just because Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak sacked him, Gani has become a very honest man in the eyes of Malaysians.

When the media world report against the BN government, they are publishing the truth. When they report against the Opposition, they are BN-oriented and are spreading lies. In 2013 when Free Malaysia Today (FMT) reported on a press conference where a highly renowned architect, Professor Jimmy Lim blamed the Penang state government for going easy on UNESCO’s heritage status, Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng sued Jimmy and FMT for claiming the article was derogatory and defamatory in nature. How dare the media lament the Opposition incompetent?

Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, Tony Pua, Rafizi Ramli and all comrades from the Opposition coalition deemed the RM 42 billion-1MDB saga as the biggest scandal to hit Malaysia. Tony even said it is the mother of all scandals. Mahathir says Najib cannot be forgiven for the alleged misappropriation of such a huge amount.

In the early 1990’s, Mahathir who suffers from delusions of grandeur thought he could take advantage of the then British recession and force Bank Negara to gamble billions buying pound sterling with the notion that the British currency would appreciate once floated. Unfortunately for him, George Soros played a smarter game that resulted in further decline in the pound. While Soros walked away with an estimate of USD$1 billion per day, Malaysia suffered big time. Asia Sentinel estimated that Bank Negara lost nothing less than USD$30 billion (more than RM 100 billion) thanks to Mahathir. Well, what is RM 100 billion compared to RM 42 billion?

Malaysia did not go bankrupt that time but will go bankrupt with RM 42 billion of supposed debts. I never knew 42 billion would supersede 100 billion as the greatest scandal of all time. The Opposition knows it best! Malaysian’s say do not speak about the past and only focus on today. However, the Western world still speaks about Mahathir and his failures till today. How backward can the Western countries be to speak about the past? Don’t they realize the past has nothing to do with today? We Malaysians know it way better than anyone else.

The value of the ringgit falls and international traders and economists look at the positive side of things and say Malaysia might gain with the drop in Ringgit as foreign investments will invariably increase. David Cameron came to Malaysia to tighten trading bonds with Malaysia that would definitely help us. However, the opposition’s Tian Chua wrote an open letter to Cameron pleading with him not to come to Malaysia to meet Najib. Soon, I guess letters would be written to Barack Obama and Narendra Modi as well who are scheduled to meet Najib in Malaysia again to strengthen economic ties.

The Opposition wants the western world to sever ties with Najib that equates to severing economic ties with Malaysia. They do not want the economy in the country to pick up because that will only pour hot water on their efforts of instigating anger among citizens towards the government. The Ringgit will continue to fall thanks to the Opposition coalition, but that is okay. The Opposition is never wrong in anything they do.

Every action of the Opposition is only for the betterment of the country. They do not evilly intend to topple the government. So please do not write anything bad about them because the Opposition are God-sent to this country.
