Where did you get your money from, Nazri asks Opposition


Tourism Minister rubbishes claims that certain parties did not accept political donations for elections.

(Free Malaysia Today) – Tourism and Culture Minister Nazri Aziz today sought to justify the RM2.6 billion in Prime Minister Najib’s personal accounts by saying that all political parties accepted donations because political campaigns could cost astronomical amounts of money.

“You are bluffing if you say you don’t take money for elections,” he said. “Where the hell did you get the money from?”

Speaking at the official opening of Warisan Kebangsaan, Nazri said that it was not wrong for an organisation or an individual to donate to political parties, just as it was not wrong to accept donations.

He said: “DAP ran campaigns as well. Who paid for them? It costs millions even to hold a convention. It’s not about corruption. Every political party needs a source of funding; otherwise how can it afford to pay millions to participate in elections?”

Nazri conceded that there should be a law to oversee political donations and said it would be best to transfer these into official party accounts.

“When I was the Minister of Law, there was no law that required political parties to specify their political activities in accordance to their funds,” he said.

“However, there was a suggestion for us to make sure that all donations were channeled into the accounts of the party or the headquarters. But the opposition didn’t agree to this. They are afraid that if this law comes to being, they will have to declare their sources. And some sources might stop contributing for fear of being identified.”

In suggesting legislation for the regulation of political donations, Nazri cited a US law. “In the United States,” he said, “it is not wrong to accept political donations as long they come from registered donors.” He explained that the law required donors to deposit funds into the central accounts of political parties and to provide their names.

Referring to political donations made to Umno, Nazri said there were no hidden motives as the sources were “friendly nations”.


